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Posts posted by Boothy

  1. Section 8 could have been me Neil, first punch of the day no 8, went to it correctly but the cyber key would not under any circumstances work, so we lowered backwards out of the section into the stream at the bottom (because we couldn't find a marshall) and reported it to Carol, who suggested we swop the cyber key, that may answer the question, but I only did the one punch in the section.

    Nobby, I was struggling with erratic steering i.e. sometimes it turned, most times it didn't......especially when under pressure....sad.gif

  2. It was certainly the 13th for me with a failed hydrosteer pump resulting in some very erratic things going on, followed by a total lack of confidence in it.

    The Saturday was not much better after a 3.5 hour drive, when I asked the lad for the tent poles, "tent poles dad","were they in the blue bag by the radiator in the spare room?", yes son that's them, "oh", so I slept in a makeshift Sowetto style shelter bound together with gaffa tape, so yes I was glad the weather was good, and it felt really lucky, and thanks for the help and bits and pieces borrowed also for the option to sleep in some of the trucks.

    The tape being a little confusing is certainly an understatement Neil, I was completely and utterly mystified and was not alone, pehaps little arrows pointing in the preffered direction would have clarified things no end, but we really struggled and got very disheartened by it.

    I can appreciate the miles of blue rope rope must be a real nightmare to collect in following a long weekend of it.

    Anyway much thanks again for an entertaining if not fraut weekend, didn't like the tape one bit but thats just my view.

    And back to the drawing board with the steering.

    Boothy over and out. smile.gif

  3. Dave,

    When Saley has finally finished building his new motor one of the jobs is to double beadlock my Mach5's but until then it's Stauns I'm afraid, thats the other reason its taken so long to fit them, but I have got valve protectors welded on to try and lessen damage.

  4. Simon, yesterday the hottest day of the year so far I to decided to start changing my worn out old Simex's complete with Staun beadlocks.

    I've have had the replacements tyres for weeks now, and luckily a mate called and ended up assisting, we only did the one due to the heat, 2 x tyre lever and one standard highlift "beadbreaker", it took about 90 minutes, anyone who's ever fitted a Staun will know why, and yes I've watched the video.

    But the big question was "why today when it's hotter than hell" to which I have no answer, oh well 3 to go.

    See you soon. smile.gif

  5. I was struggling all day getting grip and put it down to the old Simex's I'm running (didn't have time to change em'), then at 2.30 found out the centre diff was not engaging and i had done the full day in 2WD,

    But a cracking site, bit risky in places and parking was not good, but good day and superb weather, lost my bottle a bit on punch 13 when the rope broke 3 times on a horrible long risky punch and all I could see was 13, bit like the Omen.

    Great day thanks to all concerned. smile.gif

  6. Just to pass the sad news that Brian Starr passed away last thursday following a heart attack.

    Those of us who have taken part in the AWDC Howlin Wolf challanges will know and remember him, he also I believe marshalled at comp safaris and certainly in the North West area AWDC trials events, which is where I first met him some years ago, he recently used to drive a silver Honda CRV.

    His funeral takes place tuesday in the North Manchester area.

    Following speaking to Sue Foster (North West area AWDC rep) this morning, Brians wife and family had said he got immense pleasure from his days spend Marshalling and helping out etc.

    Another friendly, helpfull, smiling face left us, fond memories.

  7. We had a problem on a large Rail operating company I work for with the onset of Tacho's because we had cable trailers etc andused tomove stuff around with big vans etc, the 3.5 ton came in and hey ho its tacho time, nobody wanted todrive one anymore because it affected the rest day working,numbers of shifts and hours etc and was very limiting to trying to make a living working when driving just a means to get there and back (to site), especially when on call, because once you had tacho'd once we were told that the rest of the week had to be logged and recorded minute by minute as well, stuff that was the answer.

    The AA etc soon got rid of there Disco's and trailers when it came in and went for lightweight vans with spec frames, after that it went to heavy'ish recovery vehicles.

    I know a few councils also had big problems with Transits and lawnmower/plant trailers etc, I know its difficult for them to send a man to do a job and expect to work all day as well when the tacho wants rest periods out of him.

    The 90 on the programme was a blue one and very tidy.

  8. To open an old arguement did anyone see "Motorway Cops" on tv last night ????

    A motorway police officer PC Angus Nairn from around the Worcester area clocks a 90 pulling a tri-axle Ifor Williams trailer with a newish damaged Range Rover on it and stops him, originally for not having an ID plate on his trailer, but it wasn't reported stolen in the end, so copper with a nose carries on digging.

    What he was enquiring about is if he was a commercial (i.e. a business/garage etc) or private /hobby , because if he is employed or doing it for money then he would have to produce a valid tachograph because he was obviously over 3.5 tons, bit bright this copper.

    First time I've ever seen one that was offay with what was going on, the guy driving was in the sh**e for only having a provisional driving licence in the end and obstruction for continuosly giving false names and addresses.

    Bit of food for thought there.

    Boothy.......Hobbist tongue.gif

  9. Fridge, your dead right there, the reading on megatune and the mechanical temp gauge agree with one another when warming up and running at operating temp, this is also further backed up by the fan temp switch which is again a seperate.

    I do like the theory behind the TPS because I have changed that for a "better" one and metered it though to make sure there were no deadspots but do recall reading somewhere that there is a high and low reading that it should be kept between, and last night I couldn't find this info or remember where I'd seen it. I think it was something like 20 - 218 or similaar.

    Can I see when stationary if its triggering the ACCEL easy enough, I can't recall from memory.

    Nige, I tested the injectors recently for flow, spray and drips and they were fine but will unplug them and do a basic "in situ" test to see if one is stuck open or similar, I do have an adjustable fuel pressure regulator with a gauge on so I can observe that the pressure is constant and more or less where it should be, and I have (just in case a new CTS and ATS).

    What I don't have because they don't seem to last 10 minutes for me is a working O2 sensor although I have a brand new 4 wire Bosch one ready if need be that could be connected for datalogging at a playday or something similar, but I have disabled the adjustment %.

    Thanks again lads


  10. Sorry boys if this is in the wrong section again but I have tried searching but couldn't find if this has already been posted or asked before.

    My newly rebuilt 4 litre'ish is running so rich it's unbeliavable it's actually popping on tick-over there's so much fuel up the exhaust,

    The triggers wheels bang on, it's a new cam chain etc, so I'm convinced it's down to settings, it was basically crank grind and new rings and a good clean up following a sump full of gritty water so nothings really changed much.

    The MAP on tickover's roughly 50Kpa, everything looks bang on, its starting OK but running stoopid rich and I have also loaded a nice easy 3.9 map of Nige to do an event the other weekend, loads of power and response but thirsty and you can smell and see it at the rear end plus its spitting flames at times when its had a good burst of pedal, so whats wrong?

    My observations and suspicitions are temp senders/sensors, the cars been stood for a week in the garage (no sunlight blinds are always down, and no heating), so temp is pretty constant, turn on laptop and power up ECU (not started engine or turned over) water is 18*C, air is 8*C, I would of expected them to very similar.

    So next move was to change air ATA1010 and now were up to 12*C, so today we go and get a Intermotor water sender ETC8496 and it says 22*C, now bearing in mind these are cold readings but if they are so far out at rest in a cold garage and with my trusty fish tank thermometer indicating that the ATA1010 is not a million miles out what diffence is this going to make to the final map and fuelling, a lot I suspect especially when cold. But if the Megasquirt thinks the engines hotter than it is and the airs colder than it is surely it will fuel to this.

    The big problem is this motor is stricktly off road and datalogging is a real pain but a nice mild 3.9 map shouldn't be letting it run so rich.

    I also disable the O2 sensor because of it dipping in water a lot at Challenges, and yes its still rich when warm to.

    So what do the guru's think, everything to me looks about right on the screen and the only thing that is blatantly obviously wrong is the temps but the water warms up and roughly agrees with a seperate capillery fed water temp gauge and the fuel pressure is also set at 38psi.

    Thanks lads

  11. Can we get some good directions, some of us can get lost in our back garden and the locals will never understand Saley if he has to stop and ask, they will think he another bl**dy foreigner with his wagon or a Pikey.

    You know an idiots guide or some proper arrows from the M56 perhaps.smile.gif

  12. Why are you expecting good road manners from a set of copied competition tyres designed predominantly for mud and loose and generally hardous terrain??

    I would never dream of trying to drive on the motorway or similar on a comp tyre, comp tyres for comps and AT's for dual pupose.

    I use Cooper STT which are superb on my Patrol tow car, in my opinion don't look at Recips either another terrible choice.

    The other problem you may encounter is the amount of damage to a standard drive train that can occur, i.e. diff's, halfshafts etc when using aggresive tryes offroad.

    Good luck

  13. We did slightly better than expected considering the amount of time spent on the car park fixing electric cooling fan issues and melted wiring, what makes it worse its a top of the range Pacet ProFan and thats now the second one thats gone, just got it working then POP it would go again so a proper pain, if I'd have put old Mondeo one's or something similar I feel sure they'd still be OK.

    But great day, and good punches on a small site thourghly enjoyed it, good fair Marshalling, and a good bunch of competitors.

    Thanks to the Welsh boys for the "Oggie" it was superb, stand by for some fresh "Oatcakes" on your home ground.

    Look forward to seeing you all next month, thanks to all involved again, well done Matt. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

  14. Following yesterday Buxton & District Clubman Challenge I have a seriously dirty Landy, so out this morning bright and fresh with the power washer was the plan.

    but following the demise last week of the gas strut that holds up the bonnet complete with chequer plate and a pair of 50mm waffles, I had adopted over the weekend a nice piece of waxed string, bit like bailing twine but thicker and stronger, this was tied the the top of the snorkel bracket and then looped, when up, on the bonnet adjuster bolt in the corner, and hey ho one instant bonnet holder, that is until you stick your head under to inspect things and the knot comes undone.

    Woke upon my back in the driveway with blood pouring from the new hole in my head where said adjuster bolt decided to contact thick knot tyres head first.

    So following a visit to local minor injuries, and then being sent a further 15 miles to a bigger A&E department with real Doctors I have returned covered in superglue to warn all involved to tie a proper knot or wear a hard hat when looking pointlessly under the bonnet.

    So tommorow all being well and head ache and throbbing hopefully subsided, I will start the whole sorry episode of cleaning Landrover based buggy again.

    Be warnedsmile.gif

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