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Posts posted by Boothy

  1. Nige "old chap"

    A lot of high end racing engines use the "catch tank" collections for analitical reasons i.e. check how's the engine running, and to look for any impending disasters by analising the contents,

    I saw this today on a Sky Discovery breakfast filler programme where some bod was building a kit car for racing (no not Mark Evans, some other lunatic with a Hyabusa??? engine, 1300cc and 160BHP WOW) it demostrated the use of the oil catch tank for this use, especially when the engine is at racing stresses, not that your 12 gallon fuel tank will be large enough to get a 5.2 Eales stressed, more than likely SWMBO will be wondering where all the extra fuel money is going and will be getting morestressed than your crankcase Pal.

    Oh well, back to plucking Phesants.

  2. This is how I have mine,

    The main vehicle isolater switch also isolates the solonoids (albrights) so in theory kills the winches

    So the 2 (in parallel) winch isolater switches just kill the 70mm power to all 3 allbright solonoids, which co-incidentally are fed of a seperate pair of Optima yellow's and a seperate 100Amp alternator.

    The vehicle has its own red Optima and again another 100Amp alternator (which can in a moment of crisis) all be linked together if an alternator fails, this supply controls everything except the winches, i.e fans, ecu, lights, water pump, fuel pump, starter, in fact everthing.

    Easy in it ????

  3. You may be right about the overkill but I've burn the contacts out on the switches before with a bit of extensive winching, espicially on a three winch set up,

    so after I've spent a fortune on diesel dragging the motor half way around the country, an entry fee, followed by a weekend away, and to be put out by a £15 switch then yes overkill is a fantastic tool, a bit like reliabilty really, great when you have it, carp when you don't,,,,,

  4. A great tip is to buy some QT ones,

    then every 3 months when you bend them AGAIN you'll have plenty of experience of swapping them again and again,

    I'm sure after a few goes you will work out the perfect method ,,,,,,,,

    I have, there is only one radius arm and it's the one it left the factory with,,,,,trust me, I'm an expertmad.gif

  5. Well after 2 full days of eating dust I've just dived out of the shower.

    Great weekend, very very hot, vey dusty, very tiring,

    Manys thanks to the local Welsh rallyclub for running screaming rally cars out all night on the lanes around the site, to the bloke with the shotgun at 4.30am, for the cow at the farm calling all night for her calf, and the dawn Chorus at 4.50'ish was fantastic, I ended up like Victor Meldrew trying to get some kip.

    Broke 3 ropes Saturday and nearly flattened Dan Thomas (who was below me) with a backflip when it went but thankfully it settled on a tree.

    Lost a trackrod end of the steering bar Sunday in a section later, then a puncture with the tyre of the rim (halfway up a big pull) then much to Dans amusment couldn't get back in the motor after we changed it, then finally lost the solonoid on the rear winch.

    But thorougly enjoyed ever minute of it, some very good punches, a couple of great Special stages, especially the one the "numties from Stoke" rolled on, thanks to Matt and the crew, the Marshalls again friendly and helpfull, always smiling.

    Thanks to all including the competitors and hopefully see you all soon.


  6. Now here's a real horror story,

    Left alone in my garage/workshop one Saturday morning, the Grippenfurher safely away at work, the kids (big teenagers) fast asleep in bed, just me and my faithfull German Shepherd dog and a chassis in the garage that needs grinding, outriggers etc removing and generally getting ready for conversion to my new Challenge truck.

    My faithfull series 2a V8 at the time was driven up to the doors outside to protect the garage from unwanted visitors, that the scene roughly set.

    Soon with the grinding/cutting quite happily underway, when a few discs later "it's getting a bit smokey in here Boothy my old son" I thought, dogs vanished outside re-educating the local feline population who's in charge around here, now at this point the smoke was getting decididly thicker and very noxious.

    It was at this point when it dawned on me that I had set fire to the bleedin' washing basket on the floor by the tumble drier, left in there again despite repeated warnings to the brains of the outfit what could happen, and here it is in all it's glory fully ablaze and spreading to the resident pile of rags and overalls etc.

    This in turn has started the polystrene tiles that I had glued to the ceiling some years previous when I wintered my Koi carp in there, dipping and giving off the foulest fumes you could imagine, abandon ship, use the fire extinguisher (which I always have free to use) to put out the worst, then run through the house in sheer panic to move the series from the door to enable me to open it and vent the garage.

    Proper scared me to death of what could have happened, if I had not got the extinuisher handy, if I had been overcomeby the fumes, trapped in the corner, roasted fido, spread to the house, all sorts of terrible outcomes could have occurred.

    But no harm done thank goodness, except the biggest woe of the whole tail, IT WAS ALL HER CLOTHING IN THE BASKET,

    The cost to replace was horriffic and the chauffer driving and smiling and following her silently around countless retail stores to replace my moment of lapse,

    yes my friends you can argue "she had been warned", but believe you me that counts for nothing, she has you totally and utterly to blame for a long time and at great expense to the project.


    Boothy smile.gif

  7. I've got one made of some stupid hard steel that was destined for British Aerospace (I think it was of the Eurofighter Landing gear or something similarrolleyes.gif ),

    but it has done four years now and is still as straight as an Irish Bishop depite being dragged over everything and has put up with with Hydrosteer.

    The manafacturer is our very own Carl Hurst, I have broken a couple of trackrod ends though, but they are an easy change.

  8. I have been having a massive overfuelling problem caused by a faulty fuel pressure gauge, reading 33psi instead of the actual 56psi, so its now sweet again, I think!!!!

    If anybody feels worried by this enormous amount of power unleashed around them please raise your concerns and I will take the odd lead or two off AGAIN to make it a level playing field.

    If not, listen and weep boys, she's oh so sweet rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif sounds as sweet as Whitney Houston with a belly full of Marston's Pedigreehuh.gifhuh.gif

    Just hope tomorrows budget is kind on unleaded fuel,,,,, for the cooker for the bacon and sausages that is.

    Should see you all there Saturday morning boys'n'girls, and I look forward to seeing you all.biggrin.gif

  9. Matt

    I'm already for the event but so far have not put in an entry because I'm still waiting to see if my steering pumps will be back in time, I would dearly love to have steering for this event, everything else was wonderfull at the weekend but no turns allowed.

    Get ready boys Boothy's back rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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