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Adrian Turner

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Posts posted by Adrian Turner

  1. Neil,

    If you start with one car and change it half way through the comp to another car is that OK?

    or do you loose your previous points from previous rounds.

    Last year i started with the 88'' hibrid and changed to the Tdi 90, but stayed in the same class. Chris Ould used Si's 90 after he sold his tomcat, i cant see there being a problem. Only problem is if you change classes, as your re-start with no point's.

  2. Due to the recent trend of getting your dates in early, (and being nagged!!) here are our dates for 2008!

    The Tuff Trophy challenge will be the first weekend event and will be held 5th - 6th April 2008 at Tuff Terrains, Llandrindod Wells, Wales. There is limited availability for this event so book early to avoid disappointment. 4 confirmed so far!!!!!

    The Slindon Trophy challenge will be held on the weekend of 2nd-3rd August so the sun should be shining for this one!!!!!

    We are also running 4 novice events this year which will be team events, dates are to be confirmed for these but we would like feedback so we know how much interest we have.

    Go to www.challenger4x4theclub.co.uk to obtain forms etc.

    Look forward to seeing you all there next year.

    Mrs Bass x :P

    Your a bit slow................ went in the diary last night! ;):lol: Count me in :i-m_so_happy:

  3. Well it sound like a good plan for next year, but us lot in Class three are going to have to work alot harder to keep up with you lads.

    Well I am now going to find a big bunker to go & hide in.........

    Taff - Marked man

    Just move the front winch back into the middle :rolleyes: that way you can winch both ways :) Still only one winch fitted and can only pull one way at a time................. don't no why no one done it???

    Oh! Taff........ yes, you are a marked man :P

  4. Saley's just told me you will be in class 1 with portals and rear wheel steer and the must have hydro steer.

    Class 1





    Portal Pete


    are there any more possibles Niel?

    Magic will be there, not telling you what he's driving!!! Plus there may be one other Gary, saying no more!!! :P

  5. Never truer words said!

    I know that during the setting up I walked over 20 miles, through virtually impassable bog, rocks, "stumps" & thick forest.

    I did it a pace that suited me and not in front of a madman like Jim Marsden!!!!!


    Yeah! but i still had to winch him down stuff that i would have driven :lol::lol:

    Plus he's only that fast because i'm telling him to get on with it! :P

    Very, very tough event, and bl**dy brilliant to be part of it. Tay on steriod's is how i'd describe it. :o:lol:

  6. I take it you didn't break the new diffs then Adrian !

    That's a big NO :lol: i loved them....4.75's with a 1-4 t/box :D sooooo many option's, 1st gear low for winching :i-m_so_happy: 2-3rd for all the rest B) :P Only thing left to do is fit the 37'' bogger's :)

    A top event and a great day, thank's Neil and the team :i-m_so_happy:

  7. so what were the results then? Waiting with baited breath

    1st place overall was the Bolt's in a standard class car :)

    2nd place overall was a tie... Chris Ould......Richard Nicolson........Adrian Turner........Sorry Nick/JST better luck next time ;):lol:

    3rd Sorry missed that result.

  8. Niel, I have sent a pm with my co-drivers name for the records.

    Might get up Adrians nose a bit :D as local knowledge must count for something, I have none :( but my co-driver does B)

    Should help you for the first hour, after that your be on your own......................... whilst he recover's in the carpark! :lol:

    Upset............ PMSL when he told me :P

    Like saley, i'm follow you.................. for the fun factor :P

  9. Well had a rear brake pipe snap today???? plus a swivel seal leak big time, only replaced on saturday :angry: are well job for saturday morning before i go down to Slindon for a chat :lol:

    i understand that i'm a marked man on sunday <_< seam's there's a team out to beat me, dream on, it wont happen boy's :P;)

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