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Posts posted by soutie

  1. Rubber removed and lock fitted. The issue seems to be the space for the door is too small. Big gap at the bottom front and none at the top. While at the back hardly any space at the bottom of the vertical and lots at the top. I had to take the spacer out of the door latch for it to close. Only thing I can think of is that when replacing the rear cross member it has shunted forward every thing. 

    I wonder now if I can move the b pillar forward by a couple of mm to get the space needed? Any other suggestions?


  2. Has anybody got photos of how ALR6250 and ALR6251 fit to the front and rear doors. These are the seals that attach to the bottom of the doors rather than on the sill.

    The reason for asking is that I want to drill the holes before painting the repaired doors of mine.

    Photos of two of the doors before I have them sent away for grit blasting before they are repaired and painted.



  3. Mats out for pressure washing. Even after a week the foam under the mat still had water in them. Hence the sanding marks as a heat gun seals the foam keeping the water underneath it. Once sanded used the wife hair dryer to dry the foam out. I purchased liquid latex from a well know reseller site. The bar of soap is so that the bristles on the brush do not clump. 

    The first photo with the latex is after the first coat. The foam soaked it up like a bath sponge. The last photo is the 3rd coat. I am now on the 5th coat and still have about 200 ml of the latex left. I will post up photos once fully dried and then fitted.






  4. Does anybody know what the thread size of the 110 fuel tank drain thread? This is the union that screws into that goes to my side mounted additional tank to balance the fuel between the two of them. I have put a m12 bolt next to it for comparison. The thread is finer than the m12 bolt so thinking some imperial size. The dowty washers are gone so will either have to replace these or both unions.


  5. 8 years into a restoration that is in a barn 15 minutes away from home. Hate to say this, but 2020 has been good to me as my son's rugby matches have been cancelled as well as his football which has meant I can do more work on the 110. My biggest enemy is myself and wanting things done once rather than getting the vehicle up and running knowing I will have to something again. Hopefully I shall finish her in 2021, but that is what I said in 2020. Sometimes I think the spannering is better than having a useful vehicle.

  6. A bit of a thread resurrection here, I have this kit for a 110 but noticed while it is out of the vehicle as she is being rebuilt that the underside of the mats is foam that has not been completed sealed by the rubber. Would it be worth sealing that with a liquid rubber spray before refitting? Or what else could I use?

  7. I started with the rubber on the metal and then inserted the glass. The seal tool was about £10 off ebay and the hook bit that was included helped get the rubber over the glass. I then painted the plumbers lube into the filler strip void. Then inserted the filler strip through the diamond shaped head on the tool. Inserted that sideways into the void, straighted it and with the thumb pushed the end in then dragged the tool around. While pushing / dragging it round my other hand smoothed the filler strip.


    Best of luck.

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