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Jon White

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Posts posted by Jon White

  1. Nige and I always refer to the shiny tools stalls as just "shiny ****" and just walk on straight past them. There does seem to be an increasing number of them however.....

    At least the event isn't yet suffering the garden ornaments and clothes and completely unrelated tat that things like Billing do.

    However there do seem to be an increasing number of them.

    IMHO one thing they do need to address is the toilet facilities. By 10am they were already disgusting!

    The queue to pay to get in seemed a lot better this year which is a good thing....


  2. I'm part way through doing this at the moment, I've just not got my finger out lately to get it sorted. I've got most of the bits and have it mocked up on the workbench.....

    Early one piece cvs can be made to fit into a series swivel. You just need to fettle the inside of the inner swivel housing with a die grinder as you've already found. The defender stub will require turning down on the inner face to fit into the series outer swivel housing as its a smaller diameter on the series. The cvs will just fit through the hole by the way. Beware that the stubs are very hard and difficult to machine.

    Also note that the defender stubs use the same size wheel bearing inner and outer which means you have to use late series3 hubs that use the same bearings. This is where I'm at at the moment as I need to re make my disk brake conversion onto the new hubs. I've got all the bits just not got round to it.

    Half shafts will have to be custom. I've not yet got round to ordering any. You could use off the shelf one stage one v8 ones if you want 10 splines at the diff. I want 24 spline 300m ones as I'm fed up of breaking front shafts.

    Finally you'll need to make up a carrier of some description to take the oil seal at the inner side of the swivel housing. The stage one v8 used a pressed steel cup for this purpose but they're nla, and have been for many years.



  3. I suspect its a matter of commercials - the hoops are bent up to fit inside a hard top, and they simply use the same hoop for an external cage - saves people having to stock two different sizes of hoop.

    There is no reason if you are bending your own why you cant bend it to be whatever shape/size you want.

    The bull bar on mine is a good example of this - mine actually goes slightly outboard of the front wings, and has save my wings many times. The commercially available ones don't, and so you end up doing the wings in all the time (plus mines made out of the same tube as my roll cage).


  4. You cant use the Megajolt tach out to feed the ECU, as its too low voltage - its looking for the flyback pulse that comes from the ignition coil normally. The Megajolt tach out is just a 12v square wave.

    I've used the 4x 4n001 and 1x zener successfully before, but ive never tried the circuit you show.


  5. If your wiring is all correct reverse the pins to the VR sensor.

    That is the only thing that could be wrong unless VR sensor or EDIS unit is faulty.

    You should get a spark even if the Megajolt is disconnected, and even if the trigger wheel is timed completely wrong, you should still get a spark.


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