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Posts posted by BogMonster

  1. On 12/9/2017 at 5:01 PM, Soylent Green said:

    You must be an exception to the L200 rule? I owned one once! I did like it lots but I got older and wiser and saw the light and now I own a defender tdci! Happy days!

    Shogun not an L200, but yes I like it. Strong engine, great gearbox, decent to drive. Land Rover should have put the 3.2L four in the Defender, it would be brilliant.

  2. 19 hours ago, David Sparkes said:

    I don't know which browser you are using; With Firefox and the add-on I can see all the pictures in your spider post.

    Do you need the pictures capturing so they can be hosted elsewhere?


    Thanks, it's OK, I don't have time to update the post at the moment anyway but if there is a solution that makes pictures visible I will ask the admin team whether it's possible to make a script to grab everything automatically.


  3. Nope, not working, my alarm spider post is still full of placeholders.

    Mind you when they emailed me to tell me I needed to pay them I did reply and tell them to stick their account right up their arse so that might be something to do with it :rofl:

  4. On 12/4/2017 at 6:36 AM, Lightning said:

    There will be an electric version as well. Now that will be something....an electric Defender

    Because Land Rover and electricity have always got on so well :D


    On 12/4/2017 at 7:58 AM, dirtyninety said:

    its a mule as confirmed by somebody working at LR..

    Yeah, I saw that. It seems the factory have actually made a Photoshop-realistic body lash-up!

    I saw some better quality photos later on and they would suggest whatever it is has independent rear suspension along the lines of the Discovery 3/4 range, not sure if it was exactly the same but certainly a similar looking arrangement.

    Time will tell. I shall be watching with interest, but no real expectation.

  5. A 130 requires an 1100kg rated wheel for the rear axle and I don't think any of the alloys are. It's the reason the 130 always had the HD Wolf-type alloys with the holes in, which were about twice as thick as the standard steel wheel. People do fit them, and I've never seen one break, but strictly speaking it's naughty. Strictly speaking it's naughty to put Freestyle alloys on a 110 too :ph34r:

    • Thanks 1
  6. 12 hours ago, supaimpy said:

    try this



    Chassis No.:


    First Registration:


    Vehicle Type:


    Engine No.:




    Fuel Type:


    So from that I think I'm right in saying that we can work out it's a 2.0 litre diesel, which is already disappointing if it's a mule for the new Defender, as it clearly isn't big enough.

  7. On 11/30/2017 at 1:49 PM, Scotts90 said:

    I can assume that no one likes the D5?

    Correct :D

    Styling somewhere between US home-market SUV and a Korean SUV, and a complete lack of character and individuality. If you put the current range side by side and blanked the badges I would honestly struggle with which was which now.

    It could be the best thing in the world to drive (and I am sure it will be very good) and I wouldn't buy one because one of the great things about the old models was that it was both instantly recognisable and not likely to be mistaken for anything else

  8. I rather hope Grenadier sees the light of day. I don't believe "Defender 2" exists at all, as I've said numerous times on here, and if it does, based on what they've done lately in ruining all the other vehicles it will be another stupid melted-bar-of-soap-mobile designed for pimpmobile markets anyway. I've now seen the D5 in the flesh a few times and as a three-time Discovery owner, my god just No.

  9. I've never been sure if it is better to put a cover on the winch, and having it probably sitting there damp all the time from condensation, or better to have it out in the open where at least salty deposits get washed off when you wash it and it will dry out properly on a fine day.

  10. Ta. That seems quite tatty for a 4 year old winch? My Milemarker doesn't look that bad and it's probably kicking 13 or 14 years now I should think.

    I have now ordered a TDS9.5 Goldfish, toyed with the idea of getting the TDS12 but figured that as the line speed is only half, I would be as well to go with the smaller version and have a good line speed for light pulls and can still double line it and get a decent speed.

  11. Anybody else got a view on this product?

    Question in my mind at the moment is whether to go for the Tigershark, or the Goldfish. Goodwinch don't seem to offer a decent high-level mount (ideally looking for something like the old lightweight Milemarker bikini mount but nothing like that appears to be available) but I need to get something on the way as it will take a couple of months to get here :)

  12. I want a set of Genuine wing top protectors for the new Puma. Have a set on the 300Tdi and they are much better finished than the cheapies.

    What is the difference between a Puma wing and a Td5/Tdi wing - why are the wing top protectors for 2007 onwards sold under a different part number?

    The Puma genuine part seems outrageously expensive, I am sure the ones I have on my 300 were only about £100 or so. Wondering if I get a set of the older type ones, whether there will be an issue fitting them, I cannot immediately see why there would be.

  13. Weirdly, the problem has gone away. I have been away for a few days and took this vehicle on a kill-or-cure basis. The first couple of days it smelled every time it warmed up but after a while it subsided, and the smell gradually seems to have faded. No coolant loss at all. I think I'll just stop worrying about it!

  14. Interesting thoughts, ta. I currently run a Milemarker on my old Tdi 110 which is slow but will pull a house and it's the third vehicle I have had it on, and maybe 15 years later it has been utterly dependable having done literally nothing to it apart from paint the mount a couple of times. I don't even know if they are still available but in any case with what it cost at the time, for relatively occasional use it is a lot of money to have tied up so not really an option.

    However - when you have a Land Rover buried to the doors in peat then whatever I get has to be able to cut the mustard when needs require it, even if it is only once or twice a year. I actually use my MM more for other things than self-recovery, as it happens I had to winch somebody out last night but that was the first actual recovery it has done in over a year.

  15. No leaks - pressure is normal when hot, and the vehicle has been through several hot/cold cycles in the last few days plus a long trip this morning (2hrs, cool off, then another hour) with no drop in the header tank. The weird thing is that after an hour or so the smell disappears. I'm beginning to think that there is a point in the warming up cycle where something is expanding and lets a tiny drop of coolant out but then takes up when it gets to operating temp.

  16. I thought they had come up with a scheme to avoid Chinese people copying the new Discovery by making it butt f***ing ugly. I saw the first one here in the FI in the flesh the other day, it looks just as bad as the photos. Especially in orange. I will never buy one, having owned three DIscoverys, the last two of them purchased new. They have totally lost the plot, so if the new Defender does exist (which I doubt) it will probably look like Postman Pat's van mated with a skip anyway.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  17. 7 hours ago, Peaklander said:

    Just a question to help my general education, you say it has the pink coolant. Isn’t a 300TDi supppsed to use the older blue stuff? 

    Not a 300Tdi built in 2006...

    That'll make you think :D

    Thanks for the other feedback. I have decided that I am now not sure where it is coming from, and I'm going to leave it and see if it gets any worse and check the levels regularly. It isn't losing any juice, just a faint smell of hot coolant.

  18. I have a slight coolant leak from my 300Tdi. Can't find it, can't see it, but can smell it when the engine is hot - it's got the pink rotten fish coolant in it.

    I have concluded it must be a weep inside the heater matrix to be creating a smell inside the vehicle without any obvious trace under the bonnet. It isn't losing any measureable amount of coolant yet but without tracking down the leak, there is always the chance it might get worse at an inconvenient moment.

    The workshop manual suggests you have to take the whole heater out to look at the matrix which seems like a massive pain. Is this correct? I've never had one out, don't think I even know anybody who has had to replace one despite many years in the business.

  19. On 10/9/2017 at 3:41 AM, DiscoNewB said:

    Morning all

    i have just performed a stall test and I get 4900 r/min. Does that suggest a clutch slip. If so how do I go about solving it. Thanks in advance

    Definitely not right. If there is a clutch slipping there is usually a horrible squeal. Think torturing a pig and you'll be on the right track. Hard to miss!

    I'd also look at the drive plate as the next thing. Gearbox out to change it.

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