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Posts posted by BogMonster

  1. Are you only able to stop it with the engine idling? That is probably pretty normal - there isn't much drive at idle.

    The spinning noise will probably be the engine oil rotor, it spins at thousands of RPM and winds down when you turn the engine off.

  2. As I have said before, I don't believe it exists. It is (would be...) probably the single most interesting new model of this decade, and no spy shots, no information leaks, nothing. All that exists are various rehashed Photoshop horrors based on that ghastly DC100 thing which looks like the village idiot built a Mini out of Duplo.

    Every other (less interesting) model has been spotted somewhere during the development phase. Whether JLR gave up on it, or never started, I do not know, but I do not believe a replacement vehicle exists in any state of mature development unless it looks so similar to the rest of their blobmobile range that nobody has actually noticed it (in which case they might as well not have bothered, because it'll be no use as a Defender replacement).

    Because I don't believe it exists, a good-as-new Puma 110 Utility with 4000 miles on it came under my nose the other day, and I bought it. That and the trusty 300Tdi (still with just 30,000 miles on it) will keep me in Defenders until my back won't tolerate them any more.

    • Haha 1
  3. I see Goodwinch are now advertising a new winch called the Bull Winch series.

    Anybody seen one / used one? How does it compare to the existing Goldfish range?

    What else is worth a look at the moment, main use being for self-recovery of a 110? I have a Milemarker hydraulic on my current 300Tdi 110, which has been great (the current vehicle is the third vehicle that it has been fitted to) but I am not looking to run to that sort of expense again so would be looking for 12v winch, mounting, hawse and Bowrope or similar, and ideally a Lodar wireless, for no more than about a grand all in.

  4. I think the D4 is better but still too complicated and equally expensive when stuff breaks. "When it's good it's brilliant" sounds like how I used to describe them, "it's great when everything is working - and that's the problem". I nearly bought a D4 but decided a Shogun for 2/3 the price made more sense.

    Personally I would not consider keeping either for 13 years like I did with my old D2.

  5. On 22/03/2017 at 9:36 AM, Snagger said:

    If you buy on finance.  Some people don't, especially second hand, and his whinge includes all the cars he designed, old and new.


    His point was to endorse SVO and his view that they would do a better job of customisation than the third party companies, but he did it in a very petulant and arrogant way, showing his true contempt for anyone who has different taste from him.

    SVO often used to just farm stuff out to other 3rd parties, and then stick an SVO badge on it and a hefty markup. They may do more in house nowadays, I worked with LR a few years ago now.

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  6. On 08/03/2017 at 11:27 AM, honitonhobbit said:

    I Like the TDS. It's a great winch. It's only drawback is it's length - you can't fit it between the chassis rails, it has to go on top.

    However it's not the be all and end all. If I had the pennies, I'd fit a Red Terrier

    I'd never heard of it, but that looks nice :)

  7. I'm not being difficult, just pointing out that people with electric winches often seem to spend quite a lot of time fixing them, whereas I have grown used to not worrying at all about whether the MM will work regardless of how long it is since I last used it. I used to have an 8274 before that and on several occasions experienced the dreaded "click - nothing" when I needed it to work. Carry a hammer :)

    As an aside, if I was buying a new winch now, I'd probably get a Goldfish, as I imported a few for customers in my old job and they seemed pretty good.

  8. On 27/02/2017 at 6:40 AM, honitonhobbit said:

    ALL winches need maintaining though; and decent solenoids, decent wiring, decent switch gear


    Electric winches maybe. I have successfully ignored my Milemarker for about ten years, other than when I need it to pull something with it. Only thing I have done is to take off the mount and clean it up and respray it about half way through, the same needs doing again now.

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  9. Floor paints are a waste of time in my experience. I spent ages with my last new-build garage, left the floor for 6 months as per instructions, then got all the dust out of it, put some PVA bond stuff on that was supposed to be for exactly the job I was doing and then the top coat, and it was all coming off within six months. The current garage I just left as bare concrete. The other option to seal it effectively just spill a load of stuff you don't want to spill on the floor, like a drum of of gloss paint, it will stay there forever.

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