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Posts posted by BogMonster

  1. I don't think LR approve bio fuels in any of the engines. I was talking to an engineering guy who worked for LDV the other day and he said the big problem with dodgy fuels is that the tolerances inside the high-pressure pumps on common rail engines are so tight (to get the high pressure) that any sort of crud in there just wrecks the guts of the pump. He wasn't that impressed when I showed him some of our "diesel samples" from a couple of years back - it was the sort of stuff that a Russian snowplough would turn its nose up at, never mind an EU3 common rail diesel :lol:

    Fuel prices are going silly .... petrol is 64p a litre here now (it was 35p a litre not long ago) and diesel is a scandalous 36p a litre ... mutter mutter I remember when it was 25p a litre

    Why do I get the feeling I won't get much sympathy :ph34r:

  2. I guess a Td5 one would fit as long as the engine is mounted in the same place as a 300Tdi/R380 would be - which is different to where a 200Tdi/LT77 is normally mounted.

    The front Td5 shafts have bigger UJ's which may have a better amount of movement (don't know) but as far as I know the back propshafts are exactly the same as a 300Tdi back propshaft. Quite why the front was upgraded and not the back is one of those things that obviously made sense to somebody at LR at the time.....

  3. A nice Husky on the back would have seen you out in no time  :lol:

    I thought much the same thing Tony but unfortunately there is a fuel tank in the way :P

    Having to go right through whatever you just got stuck in would not be a problem with the MM except for the small issue of needing to find something strong/heavy enough to attach the hook to... :(

    I'm off to get a Government grant to start a tree-planting programme :lol::lol::lol:

    Joking aside the coating that cannot be named would probably be quite good for this application :unsure:

  4. Some seatbelts have "pretensioners" which is another pyrotechnic squib (not sure of the wisdom of filling your car with all these explosives to improve safety....!) which tightens the seat belt if the airbags are triggered, not sure if yours will have those or not, my Discovery 2 does but I think perhaps Discovery 1 didn't.

    At the very least if you had a crash and nothing detonated I don't think you'd be in any worse off position than a driver of a non-airbagged car and I don't know what a 10 year old Discovery is worth now - six grand? not worth spending £3k on those anyway!!!

  5. ....because when you really need one you find that just one is not enough!!

    I finally had to try my "twin anchor" idea this afternoon - having only been saying the other day that carrying both of them was a guarantee that I'd always get out using one :ph34r:

    A slight delay due to this


    became a longer delay due to this


    pulled the KittyGripper out .... twice :angry:

    OK bite the bullet, out with the mil anchor tube, walk over to an "apparently firm bit of ground", back for pins, walk over, back for pins, walk over, back for pins, walk over, back with sledgehammer, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang F&&& bang bang bang bang gasp wheeze stagger back to vehicle nearly falling in the by now 18" deep hole right under the drivers door, would it hold?


    would it hell ... twice again!

    At this point to add insult to injury a bunch of walkers that had chosen the same bit of countryside to explore for the afternoon came ambling by and stopped to watch. Last thing you need when things aren't going according to plan is an audience ... apart from anything else it inhibits the free flow of Anglo-Saxon which is essential to any unsuccessful recovery :ph34r:

    Anyway after a bit of thought about how best to rig up both of them together I did this


    and it moved .... just

    Half an hour and far too much effort carting big lumps of metal around - you lot with trees to winch off don't appreciate what an easy life you have :P:lol:

    Nigel I have another project for you - design a self-cleaning KittyGripper! By 'eck that thing is a filthy contraption to try and fold up when it's still got half a peat bog attached to the spade.... :huh:

  6. Am I right in thinking the 1.2 box would raise high but leave low unchanged?


    I would have thought with those tyres on it would have been a bit over-geared - my 90 feels dead on 33" tyres with 1.4 gearing... and 32" tyres on 1.2 gearing would be a lot higher than that.

  7. The reason for replacing them is apparently that after a long period it can no longer be guaranteed if the propellant will detonate when the bag is triggered. I think the propellant is called sodium hydrazine or something (though I might have completely imagined that), and it goes "off" over time meaning you don't know if it is going to detonate on command. There is apparently no way to test it apart from triggering the bag - and if you do that then you'll have to replace it anyway as it will either be ****ed, or have just gone off!! There is no "air" in an airbag, the propellant when detonated produces a huge amount of gas very quickly and this fills the bag instantly then it leaks out through holes around the bag as you bash your head on it, thus stopping you from the otherwise inevitable task of picking teeth out of the steering wheel.

    There is no black magic about working with airbags, just common sense. Don't wear static-laden nylon clothes when you are doing it, disconnect the battery and leave it for half an hour or so before you start (discharges the airbag internal capacitors which are used to trigger the bag), don't drop it or throw it at anybody, don't poke the terminals with multimeter probes or connect it to an electric fence energiser, don't chuck it in a fire, don't sit it face down (if it does go off it'll go steaming up in the air if the "bag" side is facing down) and earth yourself by touching a metal part of the vehicle before you start work. Basically if you handle it like a box of explosives you'll be doing the right sort of things :)

    The other thing to be very careful of is not to bugger up the rotary coupler that transmits the bag wiring through the rotational movement of the steering wheel. If you turn it round too much it will rip the guts out which will mean 1) the airbag won't work 2) there'll be lots of warning lights on the dash and 3) you'll have to fork out well on the wrong side of £200 for a new one, they are a horrendous price!

    Personally I wouldn't bother replacing them though I don't know what insurance companies have to say about it. Land Rover airbags used to cost about £1000 a side for my old Discovery (I checked on the price once); with more vehicles being fitted with them I expect the price has come down but I still wouldn't bother. Once you get into modern vehicles with 8 or 10 bags how much is anybody willing to spend on a 10 year old car in a few years time?

  8. I've been looking at bumpers recently, since mine works better as a plough than a winch mount. The "Technik" caught my £170 eye at Billing - click for picture although the galv isn't to my taste, it's nothing that can't be painted. I'd have to ask if he could include A-bar mounts too for me though.

    Turbocharger, that's the sort of thing but I have box instead of tube for the ends. Also welding in a straight line is a big enough problem without trying to do it in circles :ph34r: .

    Just a squared off box for the winch doesn't look as hideous as I thought so I might look at that - though I am not making mine cut into the front of the vehicle, I don't want to do that, also it will get in the way of the ****off big intercooler that will be going in there at some point once I feel like blowing my warranty to smithereens B)

    Not a bad price either ... I'm almost tempted but for having to chop the front out, though it would be more like £300 by the time I got it here.

    What's your MM mounted on at the moment? - I can't remember.

    Oh if anybody is speaking to Allan you might mention the XP Powertoy that resizes images.....!

  9. OK here are mine over the years:

    The original 1987 2.5 petrol 90, sold about 4 years ago:


    The 1995 300Tdi 90 that replaced it:


    The 2004 300Tdi 90 that replaced that late last year:


    And the shiny one B) :


    Don't have any digital pics of my first two Discoverys (a 1991 200Tdi and a 1996 3.9)

  10. About 10 min in Paint Shop Pro, after a couple of "false starts" :lol: the clone brush is a wonderful invention

    It's not that good I just realised some of your stepladder is in the picture which sort of gives away where I nicked the picture from :ph34r: I meant to go back and get rid of that but I got carried away with burying the front end a bit deeper :lol:

    Lesson: Do not post pictures of yourself perched on top of your vehicle like an old turkey, or sooner or later they WILL be used for something :P

    Anyway, dragging this thread kicking and screaming back on track, I have found a half decent picture of a ScrapIron tubular bumper in a magazine which answers that bit, the other bit I can't get right is how to "blend in" the bumper "wings" to the front plate without it looking like somebody sh@t on the page.

    Anybody got any pictures of one like this (high-ish mount)? Note that it has to be one where the winch bolts through the bottom of the bumper, not through the front like an 8274, as the whole design has to be somewhat different with a bottom-mounting (oooer) winch.


  11. Yes but Nigel your 90 weighs as much as Belgium with your "repair thicknesses" :lol: you are after all the person who used a 1 inch thick bit of plate to mount your cubby box on :rolleyes:

    I know yours is 10mm plate, cos I asked you before. If I build it (inertia, lack of materials and lack of enthusiasm/ability regularly get the better of my projects...) I thought I'd split the difference between what I have at the moment (Bikini is 6mm) and what yours is :)

  12. or indeed anything similar which sits mostly above the chassis

    could you take a pic looking up at about 45 deg from below and in front of the vehicle, of how the bracket is fabricated that the bumper to chassis bolts go through please?

    I am still intermittently playing with sketches of a winch bumper but that's the bit I can't get right in my head :angry: they all end up looking like a dogs breakfast (though that will probably be what the finished product will look like anyway, if I ever get around to building it! :ph34r: )

    All the "bought" bumpers are made of about 5mm steel, which I don't think is Milemarker proof (the 6mm mount I have bends slightly...I am heading towards probably 8mm for the main base plate that the winch bolts to), or are far too expensive, or are ugly, or more than one of the above :lol:

    Options at the moment vary from a Lara-style "modified/strengthened Bikini mount" to starting again from scratch, which would have the advantage that I wouldn't have the winch sitting in the corner for six months waiting for its mount to be finished :unsure:

    Raw materials on hand so far are a Bikini mount and a 90mmx90mm box section supporting leg off the side of a Portakabin - you can stack Portakabins several high so I figure that should be strong enough for the sticky out bits :lol:

  13. Hmmmmmm

    Land Rover "the Sea King helicopter of 4 WD vehicles"

    Thinking about what that means for a few days now Dave....

    I reckon it stands for:

    Stone age design......

    Questionable reliability.......

    Hideous running costs......

    .......but when you are in the **** up to your eyeballs, the guy who turns up in a 100 knot horizontal blizzard to dig you out will probably be driving one :lol:

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