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Everything posted by o_teunico

  1. At last we have ordered a 30° phased GKN single CV one. Lets see how it copes.
  2. Nope, Discovery side view showing worklamp position needs to be so small to fit the switch tha it´s extremly difficult to tell where the worklamp is pointing. Here an alternative "worklamp" icon And "Rock Light" too
  3. At the premises of the Guardia Real, in the Pardo palace, there is a museum that can be visited, 6X4 MB included. Only three were ever built, and two were destroyed during WWII, so the one given as a birthday present from Hitler to fascist Franco is the only one in the world. MB offered a white check. Guardia Real refused, but allowed MB to dissamble it and créate an exact copy. http://desguacemotocoche.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/la-coleccion-de-coches-de-la-casa-real.html
  4. Less lift is not possible because space is needed for the 285/75R16 tyres.
  5. Unfortunatelly it was never sold in Spain (except Canary island). What about MQ Patrol? These ones were locally built here and spare are easy and cheap to obtain. Will phone tomorrow Juan Carlos
  6. I didn´t thought about that...could be done enlarging rearwards the wheel arch, and incereasing the wheelbase=making turning radius worst. Only a real proto will show if the benefit of rear axle steering overcomes the dissavantages of longer wheelbase.
  7. We now that, but regular greasing will help. In the worst case a replacement UJ can be cheaply replaced.
  8. Sharing some info with SenseMaker2013 about lorries for his mobile radio studio project and searching some info about the "wide spread tándem" used by, at least, MAN ans Scania, I have discovered that it´s the system that I imagined some time ago: hidraulic trailing arms that make the axle to pivot arround "A" frame´s ball. Seems easy to build in a Land Rover for better turning radius (of couse only at low speeds and off-road).
  9. Even a 6x6 will need some extra switches
  10. Hi all A friend is experiencing too much play in the front prophaft of his Disco 300. Vehicle is lifted 3" with QT castor correcting radious arms and the Paddock sourced doublé cardon prop has come to the end of it´s life (it was non greaseable type). We like the one that Bailey Morris makes for Gwyn Lewis, but it´s over budget. Will a phased single UJ 30º prop perform OK in this aplication? Single UJ type is less than half of the Price of the doublé cardon type.
  11. Today I have made the first proto. I have discovered that I don´t need sticker paper. Using standard paper and making a "sandwich" with the original plastic and a thin clear plastic (taken from a battery cell blíster) is enough for maintaining the drawing/icon/legend in it´s place. That thin clear plastic will avoid fadding the icon with our finger. Unfortunatelly my HP printer is not working and I cannot print the icons/legends. Original icon is made painting white a clear plastic, and then painting black over white for creating the icon. Instead of erasing the black paint with a sandpaper, I think that I could use some white plastic of similar thickness to original. Will search at the recycling bin. I will need to locate room for more switches. So far, 40 of them: -Front winch in -Front winch out -Rear winch in -Rear winch out -Front worklamp -Rear worklamp -Left worklamp -Right worklamp -Electric air compressor -Rear diff lock -Rear diff lock -Air horn -Driver seat heating -Passenger seat heating -Front fog light -Rear fog light -Auxiliary driving lamps -Windscreen heating -Rear door´s glass heating -Rear wash -Rear wipe -Mirror heating -Mirror fold -DRLs -Dash light (for using with ignition off) -Cigarrette lighter (for using as shocket) -12V shockets -220V shockets -Engine driven air compressor -Valve for extra tank for air compressor -Fridge -Radiator fan disconnect (for wadding) -Rock lights -Parking assist radar -Rear anti dust lights -Garage door/gate remote ...
  12. That is exactly what I was looking for! Thankyou very much.
  13. Hi all I have been looking the way of adding switches for extra equipment to a Disco 200 in a way that they will look as factory fitted as possible. Switches used in Discovery´s binacle are big and easy to disamble. My idea is to erase original drawing with sandpaper and then print the drawings needed in sticker paper. Problem is that I have been searching the net and electrical cataloges I have in search of a list of drawings to print (heated mirror, winch in, wich out, locker, worklamp...), but with no success. Any advive here? This three will actívate electric air compressor and lockers. This rack, located between heater controls and air vents, could hold up to ten switches. Radio will be relocated at a roof console, and between 10 to 12 switches coud be located here.
  14. Today have been talking with bro. It will be much easier to fit the 2.5 N/A to the Tdi ("dead" for four years) and leave the RHD V8 stored without engine until time/money are available for taking it to the road again.
  15. Yes, LT85 is already matched, from factory, to the 2.5 N/A. I think that the best solution is buying a 3.9 V8 engine at a breaker and have the vehicle road legal, but bro says that he is going to make a chassis up refubrishment of the Santana 2500DC, and instead of leaving engine+box in a shelf in the meantime, he wants to use it for moving the Disco arroung the property (firewood transportation and such kind of things). The 2.5 has a power steering pump and A/C and electric wiring will not be connected. Let´s see how this ends, because my bro is that kind of people that starts thousands of projects but never ends them. Just remember the 200Tdi Disco, that has been laying arround for four years now, and is still a non runner. EDIT: Not as bad as I thought: 3.9 + LT77 + BW from a Rangie for 550 Eur. For 1450 he could have the Disco, the engine and obtain some cash by selling the LT and BW.
  16. Hi all! My bro has found at an IVECO garaje, just some miles from home, a MkII Disco I V8, with auto box and leather seats. Vehicle has spanish number plates, but is RHD. Engine is out of the car, with a hole in block. Codition, engine appart, A+. Asking Price: 900 Eur. And here is the question: could be possible to use the 2.5 n/a Diesel + LT85 + 4x2/4x4LT230 from the Santana 2.500DC to, temporally and for using only at private land, power the V8 Disco? What about proshaft lenghts? Radiator? I know it may sound stupid, but he wants to make the Disco a running one in the smallest time lapse and using already available parts.
  17. Absolutely right. I have acces to a 300 for the templates, and the job looks easier to me tan replacing the panels.
  18. Tomorrow I will inspect a friend´s 300 to see exactly how different the panels/conectors are. YRM´s panels, at 20 pound, are an affordable solution for the fittment of 300/early Td5 headlamps, but moddifiying 200´s panels themselfs will avoid welding/painting.
  19. Looks great! I really like the DRLs. Once upon a time I thought that I could make my own Disco II facelift lights using some Defender and John Deere parts!
  20. Today I have been looking at my bro´s Disco. I think that 200 indicators and headlamp surround can be modiffied to fit arround Disco II headlamps. Good idea that of fitting relays.
  21. Mmm...I could make both improvements: new YRM panels+Disco2 headlamps and nightbreaker bulbs.
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