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Posts posted by disco_al

  1. my 5230 has got gps built in, but also the option of using a bluetooth gps receiver as well. i have found that using the bluetooth one in vehicle improves lock on and accuracy, as when the phone is on a dash mount it can't always get a gps lock.

    ovi maps is currectly free to all nokia users, however, it's only really any use in town, not much data for outside the urban jungle.

  2. mine did this and it was the wiring chaffing where it went across the body mounts on it's way to the bumper.

    problem solved, it had done exactly the same. live wire had rubbed through on the body mount and was shorting out.

  3. the air con belt should be separate from the main alt/pas belt.

    the gates belt book gives two lengths for the alternator, depending on engine number...

    -> 16L25164 7 rib 1605mm length (gates part # 7pk1605)

    16L25165 -> 7 rib 1580mm length (gates part # 7pk1580)

    so it could be worth finding one in between the two, say a 7 rib 1590 belt? (gates list a 7 rib 1593mm, part number 7pk1593)

    the air con belt spec is a 4 rib 1325mm (gates part # 4pk1325)

  4. just a thought could you get a photo of some blacked out side windows, get them printed onto that magnet type material, and then put a couple of strips if mag on the sides hey presto windows/car

    or talk nicely to a sign makers to see if they can knock up some "fake" windows to stick on the side in a dark limo tint style??

    only problem then is if they look inside and can't see the other side of the window, although if the inside was ply lined....purely for security purposes of course...

    our local tip operates a voucher scheme, you have to send off a copy of your v5, and they send you some tickets for when you want to go there with a trailer etc...

  5. I'll kick off the list with corroded socket / corroded wiring in area of said tail light.

    hmmm good starting point - although now the weather has turned wet, i think i'll take the bulbs out of the bumoper lights for now, and investigate in the dry.

  6. The electrical gremlins are starting to nibble at the ES. The fuse for the O/S rear tail lamp (the one in the bumper) has started to blow on a regular basis, which is annoying, as it also takes out the dash illumination when it goes :angry:

    it's not an instant blow as soon as the lights are switched on, last night it took a good 5-10 minutes before it popped (after replacing it again)

    are there any pointers as to where the problem could possibly be?

  7. Bearmach's returns policy is both very inconvenient, awkward, expensive, difficult to resolve, and just a huge pain in the ass.

    is that an agent or a main depot? we use the main depot here (the one in Caerphilly) and they give a superb service.

    anyway, welcome to the forum Gary, not many suppliers are brave enough to show their faces on forums because of some of the issues that you have been told about.

    but, at the end of the day, if people are only willing to vent their spleens on forums (and this is not aimed at anyone one here, but in the land of forums in general) then how are the suppliers supposed to rectify problems? let's hope that we can all benefit from the comments you will be given on here, and that it gives allmakes a better name and a higher quality of service/parts.

  8. depends on your level of experience really. if it's been raining heavily beforehand (it's a bank holiday weekend before, so expect it to :) ) then probably best avoided if on your own. otherwise the onyl thing i would suggest is some form of comms device, as mobile signal up there is not the best.

    could be worth letting someone know when you start the lane & when you plan to finish it by (allowing a margin on the finish time)then check in with them when you get out of it. that way if you overrun your supposed finish time they can come looking, or arrange a search?

    alternatively, see if there is anyone local available to go with you on the particular day you are planning

  9. Well i finally managed to do the flash test on my abs yesterday, and got a code of 2-3, which drew a blank on any of the lists of codes that i had bookmarked :(

    so a bit of googling at work this morning, has found THIS list of codes, which tells me it is;

    RCP Failure 2

    1. 35 amp fuse

    2. pump connector

    3. pump relay (doesn't switch on)

    so it looks like a bit of electrical fault finding to come.....

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