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Everything posted by Dunc

  1. Last time i bought tekaloid and had a colour chart, they were all flat colours, that was 3 or 4 years ago. As it's made to be brushed/rolled or sprayed, i'm guessing it would be difficult to make a metallic that would give a constant amount of sparkly bits when brush painting. There is an online colour chart somewhere. If i can find it i'll post it.
  2. Very similar to the snugtop i had on the Navara Ralph. We'll see what comes along when we've got the dollars together.
  3. Guess i wont pursue that one if my numbers come up then! Bloody hell. I simply wouldn't be able to afford that. You raise a valid point about having the dogs in the back, because they do stink when they're wet, but as much as i like the double-cab; 1/ i hate the ifor williams tops 2/ i have to have a special pass to get into the local tip 3/ there's no boot when you go shopping If i could have 2 trucks it would be fine, because there would always be the choice of the double cab or station wagon. When i had my Navara the missus used to moan when we went shopping about how things weren't safe in the pickup bed and then once i bought the snug-top how she couldn't see behind...
  4. Says on the dealer's site that it's a genuine vehicle used on Stage 3 in Australia in 2003.
  5. Bugger! More donationing time then is it? Wait until payday and i'll raid the paypal account again. I imagine it'll only be a tenner again, but every little helps, eh? I'll update my sig to read something like "there's a whole bunch of us help to keep this forum going and if every one of the 14,419 members did the same we'd own the sodding server let alone lease space on it!"
  6. LOL You got that right Dan! Anyway, the point is; as much as i'd like a Double-Cab (because i would, they're ace) the decision has been made and it'll be a CSW, or at very least a SW. Also, following advice it will be on an 02 or newer plate for the loom/injectors/ecu/dash panel/throttle reasons. If in the meantime i either win the lottery or manage to magically save up £15k it'll be this actual truck here; I am tempted to see how much a loan is too. DVLA will do me G4 DCR (my initials) for £525. Hell, i'd be like a dog with two of them then! I'll get me coat!
  7. You ever tried to talk sense to a woman Ralph? Doesn't work. On the plus side, that small pick-up bed doubles the charge for the Severn Bridge because all of a sudden you're 'commercial', so having a full body does have other benefits.
  8. Love to, but i haven't got the cash together yet and it's really got be a full body not a pick-up because the wife thinks the dogs will escape... Thanks though, much appreciated.
  9. On Brightwell's buy-now listing at under £7k, for a 02 plate!
  10. Don't think there's enough there to score enough points to keep it's tax exempt status...
  11. Nice. Unmolested, so i can be the molester! The other two are nice too, but i can't have a pick-up because we want the nice large back for the three dogs. Maybe one day if i win the lottery i'll have one as my daily and S-J can have the 110! I can see i've got a lot of learning to do in respect to this wiring loom stuff and what bits came where. I like the centre console thing, think it looks good and much better for the radio. Didn't know they did one-piece side doors. I knew the back door was available in steel one-piece, but not when it changed. I think i've managed to get past the psychological barrier of not having a proper throttle too!
  12. Thanks for the info Steve. Why do you say 02 as the cut-off Steve? Model changes?
  13. Thanks for that Chris. Brightwells is only 8 miles from me and i spend far too much time there, and we were planning a trip over next tuesday for a breakfast and some price checking. I'd heard that all the Pendragon stuff will be heading through without reserve due to them folding, although i have no proof that this is true. Really does seem to be a buyer's market at the moment, and if that means i can have a nice 110 then all the better! Also related; are heated front windscreens a factory option? If they are, from what year?
  14. Thanks for the advice Stumpy. Don't worry, i wouldn't part with that sort of dollar without having a GOOD look over it first!
  15. Thanks guys. I didn't notice the wheels were wrong. I guess it's 'Thrust' alloys only then? To be honest, i'll be happy with one rolling on steels for the time being. I might see if they'll do a deal, but like i said it really has come along just before we're in a position to do anything about it unless we start borrowing before everything else is paid off!
  16. Years ago, one of the magazines ran a several page feature on the Marine's version of the Wolf and how it was tested by jumpint off a landing craft and the driver had a full drysuit and the thing was properly underwater! The were also in a big tank doing testing and showed the marinising kit, which took yonks to fit. Sorry, long winded; if memory serves the gauges were covered in a big bag, similar to the drysuit material which was sealed. It was either in LRE or LRO.
  17. Hi everyone, New job is going ok and i'm slowly paying off the credit card and about to kill the last loan, so things are moving on. As a result, SWMBO has said that once i've finished the extension (only one rise and the roof to go!) we can have a new truck. This will be to replace the ageing Mondeo estate and the off-roader-come-toy-come-have-to-have-a-Land-Rover Disco and be our all in one beast. The new one will be a 110, we think with Td5 power because bizarrely they seem cheaper than an older Tdi. Slightly ahead of the programme, this popped up. A friend of mine did the normal "look at this" thing and it's got us thinking, mostly because it's so much cheaper than the Tdi's we've been looking at as part of preliminary research to find out what we can get for our money. The link to it's classified ad is here; Classified Ad My questions are; 1/ How many miles are left in a Td5 at this mileage? 2/ Are they all starting to hit this sort of money? 3/ How vulnerable is the Td5 underseat electrics box when wading? 4/ Do the NAS rear steps fit the Td5 rear cross member? I understand the Td5 rear cross member is different to 'normal' ones. I'm sure i'm going to ask millions more questions and have loads of false starts before i actually get my 110, but hopefully them times' a changin'! Oh, by the way, i've also ordered a Hyland coupling from Oz for my off-road trailer build!
  18. Dunc

    New Tyres

    As far as i'm aware they're built to the same standards as a new tyre with the only bit being reused is the carcass. The tread over the top is the same as a new tyre. We've been up and down the motorway at 90mph+ more times than i care to remember. Let's not forget that pretty much every wagon and bus on the motorway is running on remoulds. Modern remoulds are a world apart from what they used to be.
  19. Had my Rangey in water just over the bonnet and the only proection it has was a snorkel and WD40 everywhere else. If i was doing it regularly then carrots and a bit of silicone here and there would happen, but it's all redundant if you MegaSquirt it. Most of them seem to run two maps with LPG and switch from one to the other depending on petrol/LPG. You're luck that Fridge has already posted to your thread; he's one of the resident MegaSquirt gods.
  20. So if i link to a post by myself on another forum and disagree with what i previously said, can i sue myself for misuse of copyright? If i win and have enough money from the settlement to buy a 110 and a nice caravan, are twin towbar electrics freely available or are they all those new clever hitches now? Sorry, i do normally try and take things seriously buy it seemed a few folks were arguing just for the f*cking sake of it... I'll get me coat.
  21. Keep the washer bottle because ford ones normally have a pump mounted to the bottom of them and they're dead handy for MOT problems or project builds. My mate in Devon could probably do with your engine too, but it's a long way for him to push his wheelbarrow!
  22. Dunc

    New Tyres

    My last 3 Discos all ended up shod with 235/70/16 Colway A/T. Superb grip on road and great off road, good in the snow too. Set of 4; £156. The Disco i'm not sure whether to put the same on, whether to chop the arches and fit 35" simex and build a fun toy or sell it.
  23. Yes, i understand that. It's the original text i copied from the DVLA website. However, as he said he was thinking of driving it home when he buys it without taxing it, and because it's not taxed currently it must by definition be on a SORN, i think it is absolutely relevant. Obviously it's the registered keeper that would be liable, but when the police stop him or that ANPR thing has a time signature on and his new keeper supplement is in his sweaty palm then it could be taken as registered in his name and until it's un-SORN you can't use it.
  24. Just to add my normally controversial 3 pen'th... When LRE started it was much less 'flash' and very down to earth with articles on maintenance and buying guides. They used to properly serialise rebuilds and even had welding articles. I bought it from issue one and had every one until a while back. I only buy the occasional mag now for something to read at breaktime at work. All the mags have changed now, much more generalised and adverts. I guess it's the nature of the beast because other magazines from custom bikes to narrowboats have gone a similar way. But it must be what folks want otherwise they wouldn't sell. I'd love to pick up a magazine each month for £3 that was as thick as a haynes manual and covered topics like what size tyres will actually go under a Disco or how to make your own bodylift or budget panel flare tool for the home workshop but i doubt there's sufficient market. The reason they feature a vehicle with a list of what was bought where means it makes it seem easily accessible for the 'normal' reader, which is why they seem to trumpet certain names out again and again. Like somebody said earlier, if you don't like it don't buy it. I'd love to have the old half inch thick LROi of the late 80s / early 90s with five page reports on the Transylvanian Trophy or seven pages on the Croissiere Blanche with at least half a pages talking about the intricacies of different tyre chains because that sort of stuff floats my boat, but there would be a huge amount of people who would have their arses bored off by it. As for the newby to the scene who's just bought an 09 plate Disco and picks up LRO to see if it's for him; imagine how far he'd run if the first article he finds is a step by step account of cutting the arches and getting longer springs on and a body lift so you can run 37" Creepy Crawlers. I can't remember where i was going with all this so i'll just stop now.
  25. Bearing in mind if the tax is out it should be on a SORN anyway, this is on the DVLA site itself; What will happen If you don’t tax or SORN your vehicle you could be stopped by the police. You’ll get an automatic penalty of £80, as well as paying for a new tax disc and any arrears of vehicle tax you owe. You could also get a County Court Judgement against you, and be fined a minimum of £1000. The maximum penalty for making a false declaration by declaring SORN when the vehicle is actually used or kept on a public road is £5000 and two years imprisonment. Your vehicle could be clamped by one of DVLA's wheelclamping partners. You’ll need to pay to have your vehicle released as well as producing a valid tax disc or a surety fee if no disc is available. If you fail to pay, your vehicle will be impounded, incurring storage charges. If you don’t pay the release or storage fees, your vehicle could be crushed or sold. Slightly more than a small fine.
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