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Everything posted by Dunc

  1. Blanchards have emailed while i was at work to say all their 110s like this have now sold. Anyone got an idea where i may find others? I know Will got his from SWEB, but i'm not sure if our local utilities use them or where they sell them! Any suggestions welcomed with open arms! Dunc
  2. By the way, this one's at PA Blanchard, so it's coming from a reputable dealer which should allay (spelling?) my reliability fears. £6k on a 'K' and the wife says "Go for it"! Dunc
  3. Oh dear. Sorry to hear that Geoff. If you need a hand in the future, drop me a line. Help if i can. Alternatively, if you get the Rangey so you can do your journey to Brum in 2 stints, drop me a line! We're about an hour from Llanfair and similar to Brum. Dunc
  4. Hi, as i've posted on the Rangey forum, it's decision time! My Nissan goes this week and i'm trying to decide which way to go with my next truck. I may gas my 3.9, put a new front diff in and run that, i may buy a Tdi Rangey (for ease and economy) or i may get a Tdi Disco (plentiful and lower miles). However, the other alternative i'd like is a 110 and i've found this; Do you lose much visability with the closed back, or do you just reverse everywhere using the side mirrors? What's the best way of getting the heater working? In my Series 2a it was a Metro fan and heater unit! Are they as wonderful as the voices keep telling me? Cheers Dunc.
  5. Well, my Nissan goes to it's new owner on thursday this week so if you'd like a hand it'll need to be wednesday a.m.
  6. 1) Which bits did you spray? 2) Do you need to do both front doors? (both of mine work the c/l) 'H' Plate Classic 3.9, incase that makes a difference! Cheers Dunc
  7. Thanks for the info Woodrow. PM on it's way! Dunc
  8. Greetings all, I've just sold my Nissan and i'm trying to decide whether to use my Rangey full time and gas it or whether to get a Tdi Disco. I've had 200 and 300 Discos before and they're good tools, but they always gets sold whereas i've had some form of Rangey in my possesion for years. Love 'em. Naturally this leads me to think that if i bought a TDi Rangey Classic, i'd be happy. This also means, as i hate other people's botches, i'd want a factory Classic Tdi. The questions 1) Did they do a factory 300Tdi Classic or was it the 200 Tdi Classic? 2) Can the earlier Turbo D's be reliable at this age? 3) Are the Turbo D's as bad and unreliable as i've been told? I know gassing my 3.9 (or getting another to save booting the wife out of my truck) is a good idea, but availablity of gas does concern me especially as i'd have to remove the fuel tank to fit the gas tanks and a wing mounted fuel tank to preserve ground clearance. Any ideas/suggestions gratefully received. Equally, if you've got a Tdi Rangey for sale... email me! Cheers all Dunc
  9. Even better, it's half hour closer to mine.
  10. The wife just told me to tell you a 'full length' is best
  11. If it's any use, i'll hopefully have sunday a.m. free and i'm partial to a trip into my old stomping ground, as long as your V8 isn't too far above Dolgellau. Shout my fuel is all i ask. I think my runabout can manage a V8... As long as you lift it in/out! Drop me a mail if you're stuck. Dunc
  12. Surely it can't just be as simple as that? 1) Unbolt body 2) Jack it up at the front 3) Put spacers in 4) Jack it up at the back 5) Put spacers in 6) Wiggle the steering wheel and tighten up the steering column. Surely if it was that simple, everyone would be doing it to be able to get a set of 235/85 or 265/70 tyres on? Confused now
  13. (Homer Simpson voice) Mmm, big workshop and air tools...
  14. Mine came in through both! Sunroof leaked too, but a tube of silicone fixed that. Bit warm in summer though My favourite memory of Disco ownership was the way i'd go downhill and the water would run from inside the headlining onto the sunvisor and drip on the dash pod and my leg! those were t' days
  15. I've already got Police Spec red & White stripes on the rear and L/R H/D green stripes on the front. I've also got a huuuuuge lump of 40mm X 80mm box section in the garage. Do you reckon it's a go-er Deano?
  16. Corbeau used to do a custom seat where you put the side padding in or out as your arse required. One of the current manufacturers must still do so as they have to make different sizes for different bods that need an FIA seat. Try Demon Tweeks or Peter Lloyd Rallying. If they don't have them, you can't get them! Best of luck. Dunc
  17. 33/10.50 on Std (and saggy!) suspension. No rubbing, but not much lock either! Never should have sold it! We now have 235/70's on our 4-Door. Much simpler and better road manners on H/D Police spec springs!
  18. Exactly! With the problem of someone putting a high lift into the exhaust, why not build it so that the high-lift point is the exhaust. I'm getting unneccesarily excited now!
  19. I'm mixed opinion about HumVees. There's not doubting the ability of the tool and they definately have 'presence'! Just not my bag i suppose. A 2-door pickup humvee kit car based on a Landy, does seem a little pointless to me. But like the man said, if it floats your boat then go for it. Doesn't it look like a 110 Hi-Cap with a funny front end though?
  20. Lakester pipes are the exhausts that either run out of the bonnet and then down the side of the car, a la Cobra or down the side but concealed like this Mustang. I reckon with those incorporated into jackable sills it would look the absolute dogs! Could just be me getting carried away mind
  21. What about Lakester pipes with a slashcut incorporated into a jackable sills?
  22. Dunc


    Mate of mine popped round a few weeks back with an old rusty pot and said "Fuond this during a clear out and thught you'd have some use". Similar to you, rusty pot of seam sealer. Tell you what, it's fine! Well done with the panel, looks like a belter of a job.
  23. Hang on, yes... "Blub blub blub lub lub lub lub lub lub lub lub lub lub lub lub" Got it too! Why not put 2 LPG tanks where the fuel tank used to be and then have a new (small) fuel tank up inside the rear wing? Maintain more clearance.
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