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Paul Humphreys

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Posts posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Running it as a scatter rally is a lot better. Theres a no limit on numbers and you have less people going down the same route. I did enough questions that it would have taken 3 days to do them all :D . Another point is make sure you do not charge for entry as it will come under a lot of other rules. Donations are ok, you can not give prizes, but can give awards. Prizes will make you come under a lot rules as well.


  2. Mmm, I have a couple of set's of the later rolled rim type,, and so far, had no problems,, best I give them a good check over !!

    But would think twice about buying any new ones, if the attitude of the manufacturer is as quoted above !! :angry:

    If you are running inner tubes you will not see the cracks. The first thing you know about the cracks is losing air, but wuth tubes then you will not lose air.

    Do a search for my posts and pics of my wheels to see what the cracks look like. But if you can not find them PM me and I will sort them out.


  3. I know an Austrian importer that tried to get TUV approval (as required in that country) and there were issues. I don't know if the details are relevant but I can try and get them if anyone is interested.

    It would be nice to see them.


  4. I wouldn't buy any more if they were sold for 50p each!

    I personally had 2 sets - one of which were cracking at the junction of the spoke and rim. I called Matt Lee and spoke with him personally. He said that as they were 4 years old they were "beyond their intended working life" and anyway, what was I doing calling him about a 4 year old set of wheels anyway?

    When I pointed out that perhaps the cracking was caused by a manufacturing defect or some sort and that as the manufacturer he might like to see customers driving around on safe rather than potentially dangerous wheels he said he wasn't prepared to do anything at all about it.

    So... if you want quality, workmanship and a wheel you'd be happy to drive down teh motorway at 60mph - DON'T BUY MACH 5's!

    If you want the same tarty wheels everyone else has got - then buy 'em.

    About the same as what I got from him, I had 2 crack and he also told me that Mack 5 are only rated to 750kg each. I know of a person that use to stock them and dose not now as he had brand new wheels that leeked air from the welds.


  5. Powys Lane Repair – Volunteer Project – 14th October 2006

    The project will involve digging some drainage ditches and laying approximately 120 tonnes of stone in the ruts on the lane.

    Volunteers should wear boots (ideally steel toecapped), and where possible bring their own hard hat and hi viz jackets together with a good quality shovel and/or rake. The meeting point for signing on will be at SO 136 603 at the Pye Corner end of the lane. On arrival volunteers must sign on and receive a safety briefing prior to joining the chain gang. It is recommended that volunteers also bring waterproofs and a packed lunch.

    Start time will be 09:00 on the 14th October and volunteers will be able to sign on at any time after this.

    For more information please contact powys@crag-uk.org

  6. Well done all round. It was the pro-active stance of CRAG that encouraged me to join.

    Not sure if funds allow, but I think it would be good to erect signs on rights of way that CRAG have provided voluntary work so that users are aware of the efforts. Maybe a sign stating the fact along with ROW code for responsible use.

    I thought this at Sarn Helen where I bet that none of the walkers that apprecaite the footbridge are aware that it was erected by CRAG volutary assistance.



    An idea suggested long ago was that notices should be errected at the ends of BOATs, UCRs and, at the time RUPPs explaneing to users that vehicular traffic was allowed on these routes. I was not sure about this idea at the time but perhaps it could be made to work in conjunction with Steve's suggestion. I.E., that a notice bearing the CRAG logo and with details of works carried out, contact details and a brief explanation of the rights of way along the specific route. Just an idea.


    Yes signs would be a good thing but as you have pointed its all money. We have just broken thro the 150 members mark, so not bad for only 11 months since we started.


  7. Recently members of CRAG were invited to attend a Shropshire County Council Scrutiny Committee meeting. The Committee had requested a report on the current management approach to byways and unsealed unclassified county roads by the Countryside Access Team and consideration of a blanket ban on vehicular use of such routes.

    The current approach by the team is to work constructively with CRAG, looking at each route individually and to reach consensus where problems exist, using CRAG voluntary work teams to resolve longstanding issues on the ground.

    The tabled options were as follows.

    1. A blanket TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) on all unsealed Byways and

    Unclassified County Roads.

    2. A reactive approach - only dealing with problems when they arise.

    3. The continuation of the current management approach of the MPV rights of way network in conjunction with CRAG. Measures include the use of Volunteer labour for maintenance, CRAG advice on using VR (Voluntary Restraint) systems, Seasonal employment of TRO and the use of "one way" systems in accordance with terrain conditions. This was the option favoured by the Countryside Access Team.

    During the two hour meeting, various local groups made their arguments for a blanket TRO citing many of the well used and often ill-informed points we have become accustomed to hearing. Finally CRAG members Mr Ray Dadd and Dr Gareth Boxley, were given the chance to speak for users of MPV in the Countryside. The presentations clearly earned the respect of some of the councillors and may well have changed the views of some present.

    When put to the vote the committee with the exception of one abstained voted unanimously for the adoption of option three. I.e. The management program of the MPV ROW network in association with CRAG.

    This is a very positive and encouraging outcome from the meeting for the users of MPV on Unsealed routes. Hopefully with all our help, we may be able to hold up Shropshire as an example to other Councils of what can be achieved through mutual co-operation and responsible use.

    If anyone wants a copy of the committee I have added it for those who are interested.

    Paul Humphreys

    CRAG Press Officer


  8. When I used to manufacture my original 'Llama Bars' from solid hex I had this question asked of me very often.....

    ... my answer was always 'Yes, refit the stabilizer'.

    Some people reckoned that you could do without and the only link was something to do with the wobble in the original flimsy tracking rod was eliminated with the stronger bars removing the need for the damper. Whilst I can see that this has some mileage in it it does not offer any damping when you hit an obstacle or something snatches at the roadwheel if you have no damper fitted.

    Hence my choice would be to refit the steering stabilizer - or better still buy one of my new Rough Country ones I am importing from the Staes :D:blink:

    BTW my original bars are now being produced again - Mill Services purchased the lathe and the specs from me and has now got them in production, Give Richard a call on 01948.120647


    No web link 'cause my host has buggered up at moment!

    but still a link to my online shop....

    Richard told me a while back he had got the kit to make them, but did not say it was from you Dave.

    But back to the matter at hand. I did not have a stearing damper fitted to the 110 before the D bars and don`t have one now I have them fitted. Another thing to bear in mind is when you have the HD bars fitted something has to give some times and I have heard of TREs snaping instead of the bars bending. I have had no problems with either yet :D .


  9. Sorry Jim, I haven't.

    Have you driven this route?

    It is always featured in a tour of the area, in 4x4s or on trailbike, when I take out any group.


    I know that two peoples reg numbers were given to the police. But the mess at the top has been there for a while. I keep putting the blocks in the way. CRAG are trying to work with the land owner and the local council to get the hole filled in.


  10. Pye Corner Phase II Works scheduled for 30th September 2006

    The CRAG team are planning to return to Pye Corner to complete the repair of this byway on 30th September (weather permitting). Anyone who is interested in helping with these works will be very welcome. You don’t need to be a CRAG member to join in the fun.

    Works will require a few more drainage ditches digging out and the laying of 120 tons of stone into ruts and bomb holes which will primarily be undertaken by Unimogs and Mini Diggers.

    If the weather forecast is rain then we will postpone the project to a subsequent weekend so please check the forum or website before setting off or email powys@crag-uk.org to be kept advised of intentions.

    RV at SO 137 603 at 09:00 30th Sept

    Bring Lunch, Wet Weather Gear, Shovels/Spades/Pick/Mattock - Hardhats and Hi Viz and Steel Capped Boots if possible.

    If the works are not completed on the Saturday then we will continue on the Sunday.

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