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Afternoon All

I have been having fun and games with my 110 (2002) handbrake and now realise it is completely my fault in that I bought something in a blue box!! It turns out I cannot adjust the brake properly as it binds in one position. If I adjust the shoes away from the drum to stop the binding the brake only comes on at the very end of its travel and not very tight. Getting bored and frustrated (p....d off!) I put a DTI on the drive flange and got a maximum of 2 thou runout which in my own mind is expectable. I then put the drum (from the blue box!) on and did the nuts up evenly with spacer washers, to make sure it was tight, and I now have a run out of 45 thou (1.143mm) on the outside of the drum. I turned the drum through 180 degrees and got the same reading. Does anyone know what the maximum runout of the drum is?

I did threw it all back together and adjusted it just so it was binding very, very lightly and went for a 6 mile drive. I came back dismantled it and guess what, there is a very slight wear mark on one side of the drum only, so it appears that blue box handbrake drums are carp also! I only thought I would go for the blue box item as it was all my local supplier had and I thought how can they mess up a brake drum!!!! So next week the drum goes back, however I am still interested in the max runout. I took a video on my phone of the DTI needle so there is now doubt which I will show them. Can anyone vouch for any other brands of handbrake drum?


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You can't get an accurate measurement on the outside of the drum.  Can you mount the drum back to front and check the run-out on the inside?  If not you'll have to check it on a lathe.

It may be possible to hone the drum true on a lathe, but you shouldn't have to with a new one.

If the drum will fit back to front you may be able to hone it true in situ by running the engine, but you'll have to make sure the tool is held securely, and the front prop is disconnected.

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I did think about checking on the outside of the drum may be an issue, however it is a machined surface, but whether concentric to the inside surface is another thing! I was going to put in my lathe but it is slightly too big. I cannot mount it back to front as there is a machined chamfer on the inside where it fits over the drive flange which it does not have on the other side, so that scuppered that idea! The wear mark suggests that the internal surface is not round though. I was going to measure with some calipers but cannot for the life of me find the ones for measuring that size. Something else gone walkabouts!

I did also think about machining it on a friends lathe, however then if there is only one high spot it would cause an imbalance and as pointed out it is new!

Thanks for the offer of the drum Ralph, however a friend has just offered me one, however I will bear it in mind should that not materialise.

I did think about putting in the defender section, but thought this was a common part with discos and RRC

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Measuring the inside with calipers won't help if the drum is machined off-centre, it will still be round.  Calipers will determine if it's machined elliptically, in which case you'd expect 2 high spots.

You should be OK in a lathe - just take it slowly.

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Too big for my small lathe! It is new so going back. I did wonder if it had been dropped, but there was no marks to suggest this. Think I will just put it down as another blue box issue. I have the drum off at the moment and it drives much smoother - may be I should save for an X-brake!

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