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Series IIa help


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Hi guys,

I've come across a series IIa ex-mil that's had a V8 put in it for about £1k.

It's tax exempt, looks straight (only seen pics) but has had a few panels replaced with SIII parts, and sounds like it's got a series III gearbox. The chap selling it says he will get a full MOT on it for the price, but it needs a new hose on one of the fuel tanks (has twin as it should) and it's also vibrating in 3rd gear, which the guy has been told is a layshaft bearing.

What I would like to know, is how easy/difficult/expensive is it to remedy the bearing?

Does this sound like a fair price, and are there any things I should be wary of when looking at an ex-mil series II. Basically I've never owned a Series landy before but am looking for a weekend toy to off road in and learn to fix up myself.



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I've got jack, axle stands, socket set and a few odds and sods. Very little experience myself, but I've got a good mate who should be able to help as he has plenty of experience with Series motors

Was thinking along the lines of is it better to try and fix it (and see if the price can be dropped accordingly) or to get hold of a new box altogether, or is it a deal breaker?


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Thanks Tonk - are you talking 2nd hand bits as it were, or bits bought from a parts place, or either?

Apparently it was made in '66 but has had series 3 wings and lights put on. It doesn't have the series 3 air intake on the side - but obviously you can't see that from the pic I've put on.

I also wasn't sure as it was registered post '73 but it came with stacks of classic vehicle tax discs apparently...

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Smells a bit fishy, it looks like an S3, is registered post-73 (S-plate so 79/80?) but has old tax discs? Probably nothing wrong with it but I wouldn't hold out for tax exemption. A bit more detail as to what this bloke is talking about would help.

Personally I can't be bothered to take a gearbox apart when that nice Mr Ashcroft will sell me a recon one so cheaply, and with a guarantee. (Does he do Series boxes? If not there's plenty of places that do.)

I would check the chassis & bulkhead very carefully (take a hammer and give it a damn good tapping), everything else is an easy(ier) fix.

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Cheers FF. This is what was said on another forum about it after the current owner bought it:

"It looks like a Rover 10 GS? that has had a few mods. and a new rear cross member.

It can be told by the fact the number plate was issued when the landy was demobbed.

Some silly person has put a Series 3 grill on it. The front panel is series IIA, the bulkhead is series IIA the Passenger side wing has no hole in it verdict IIA. 1969 she era i guess. "

Then the owner said it's '66 and de-mobbed in '77.

I don't think Mr Ashcroft does Series boxes (but I could be wrong) but I know L.E.G.S do whole boxes and overhaul kits (£90).

I'm feeling a bit wary of taking on more than I can manage with a Series, but part of my idea for doing it is to learn as I go along, and hopefully keep it for a long time as I've got a "normal" car for every day use anyway.

Then if all goes to plan I will win the lottery and start my landy collection in earnest... B)

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Well according to DVLA it shows as first registered 2/9/77 hence the S plate. States year of manufacture as 1966 so would be tax exempt. Engine size is correct (3528cc) aswell.

From a registration point of view it looks ok then!

As to the gearbox IMHO there are no trustworthy companies currently offering rebuilt series gearboxes. Many are little more than re-painted 2nd hand boxes. Ashcrofts no longer do series boxes.

If it were me I'd strip the box thats in it and rebuild it. They're asy to work on, and parts (Pattern) are cheap and easily avaialable. You need no special tools, and a series is a good truck to learn on.

However, with a V8 in it, a series3 box is on its limit (I blew 3 in a year) so you'd better either get good at rebuilding boxes, or look around for something stronger.


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Hmmmmmmm thats a difficult one!

Theres no easy solution really. The best route IMHO is LT77 and LT230 but convert it to part time 4wd. Still not an easy conversion really as it involves hacking crossmembers about, altering props etc. However the LT77 seems bullet proof (so long as the mainshaft splines arent worn).

Its all about how you drive and what you want it for really - if you drive it with some mechanical sympathy you may never blow a box.......


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Thanks Jon.

I would certainly be going down the trying to drive sympathetically route to begin with as I'm going to be pretty short of funds for a while, but really I'm looking to use it for general fun runarounds at the weekend, a bit of greenlaning and a couple of P&P days a month (hopefully anyway).

I think I recall seeing a write-up about fitting a LT77 and LT230 on the website - but how do you convert them to part tim 4wd?

Thanks for all the info - I'm definitely on a steep learning curve here!

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