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Do you speak Spanish or Catalan?


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Hi TD5Spain, I for one who like to have as many details of guide books etc For Spanish/Portugal green lanes/off road .

So can you post up a list of guide books etc (preferably in English but I do have my own personal translator) for different areas of Spain

We had a good time in the Picos and fancy spending some time in the Pyrnees and Portugal so any guidance would be gratefully received




yes we have had days of fun with the 104 rutas de espana and there are several others... although they are all in spanish but with road books and fairly easy to follow. The only problem can be in the little villages where there are no sign posts and very very narrow streets which you struggle to navigate in 110s, Discos etc...

I will have alook this weekend for you and post a list etc here....

But dont just look at the pyrenees there are loads of mountain ranges in Spain especially the granadas, you can travel for literally hours even an hour from the coast and have great off road fun.

Teruel is fantastic, just inland from Valencia and the Sierra bernias inland from Alicante, fun in the Navarra region is second to none and there a a couple of off road safari tour centres there also, etc...etc...

Have fun



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Shame I have too many other things going on I would love a trip out like this.

Maybe next year, though I really want to go to the mountains in northern spain where there is meant to be wild wolves.

Hopefully Chris will get a map dump from me over the next week or two and he can yak to all those going about what he does or don't have


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yes we have had days of fun with the 104 rutas de espana and there are several others... although they are all in spanish but with road books and fairly easy to follow. The only problem can be in the little villages where there are no sign posts and very very narrow streets which you struggle to navigate in 110s, Discos etc...

Have fun



Thanks TD5.

Must admit we were following GPS through a small village in the Picos. Fortunately I use GPS as guidance rather then as something which must be obeyed at all costs.

The GPS was trying to send us down 'streets' in which donkeys with twin panniers on would struggle to get through!

Yes Spain can be fun and we are looing forward to our next trip



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Nothing yet from either organization. :( If I have not heard anything by Wednesday I will have to seek alternatives... namely telephoning bookshops in English speaking areas and hoping for the best!



If you send me what exactly you are looking for I will try and get the reference numbers from the website for you so can order on line if this helps.

If not Imay be able to source them locally here and send you the details of how to order.

Here are a couple of books to source if possible:-


Follow this link to a whole list of routes and excursions organised in spain by 4x4 http://4x4.coches.net/revista/Rutas-4x4/Rutas-4x4.aspx

or this one...... http://www.telebase.es/sportauto/

I am afraid there is nothing in English at the moment but I will keep looking.

With maps they are not very good in spain as there is no equivalent to the UK style os map, there arelots of road maps by Michelin etc... but there are " blue maps" which are detailled a sthey come but they are expensive and only cover small areas. I think they are still controlled by the military. These are called MOPU Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Urbanismo, the Instituto Geografico Nacional. These are 1:25.000 and have most roads and tracks on. Normal road maps WILL NOT have the required details for 4x4 routes, following tracks blindly on the Continent is not recommended.

AS for the rules and regs most of them are in the back of the "104 rutas de espana by toyota", but the local tourist information have the details also. Any permits will need to be obtained from the Policia Local.

Happy 4x4ing..



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