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90 spring advice


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Ok having tested the travel on the 90 today i have decided i would like to go for something a little better. The 90 is completley standard 'C' redg with a disco 200 and a canvas truck cab. I am not spending any money on good springs such as OME i a more than happy with standard lr ones. I can fab so wil probs make some base spring dislocaters, and 'crank my arms', i am planning on some +5" procomp shocks and will probably make some taller shock mounts. I DO NOT want a lift.

The rear axle doesnt hit the bump stops so i think a lower poundage is required?

I would like a reasonable free length although with the cones i suppose this is not nessacery.

so can anyone point me in the direction of what rate my currant springs may be and any possible suggestions.

I have wondered about fitting the rear shocks inside the springs as i like the protection this brings and i feel i could make my shock mounts easier but if i were to do this does anyone have suggestions on relocaters or is it a case of progressives?

Just one last question what are the standard specs of a standard lr damper i.e compressed, extended and travel measurements.

Cheers, Will.

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Will, regarding putting your dampers inside the rear springs - to do this you will have to modify the wheel box's on your tub, if you are prepared to do that then carry on. Daan runs this set up on his hybrid, as does the 110 that I look after (and many other folks with comp safari racers). The problems I have encountered are the shock scraping all of its paint off as the axle articulates (though this may be down to poor setup/design), and excessive flex in the bush end - they would probably be better with pin top and eye bottom. Other than this it seems okay, I was expecting it to be cr*p but it actually articulates quite well, I may have a couple of photo's I can dig out if your interested. There are some close up shots with measurements in the 110 thread in the members vehicle forum (link in my signature)

Hope that helps

Lewis :)

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Cheers both,

lewis i never thought about having to mod my tub, sort of puts me off a little as i'm not sure if i'm keeping the 90 yet. I will check your thread and any piccys would be useful.

Thanks, Will.

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Have a look at my threads re suspension mods.

I also did NOT want any lift, so made a raft of tweaks and am fairly happy with the results

Not sure if the posts on the suspension mods are in the Tech forum, but do a search there should be 3 or 4 on mods I did to me 90 :ph34r: .........but there are some video results here :


JST has also done posts on suspension mods as have many others, Trev (LR90) has a wicked spring calculator on his website, and a search will show you a vast selection of ideas mods and latwernatives, many cheaper and many better. Don't just "Buy" something and expect perfection, ask away but there is a raft of knowledge on this site.

If you can do simple fab and welding then the options increase, but no everyone can (or even wnats to) so that may limit you but the Glynn lewis stuff is highly though of, even with bought stuff with imagination mix and match can get you impressive reuslts for a whole load less ££££££££



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Cheers nige i do like the look of the glyn lewis stuff but as money is tight and i like a challenge i fancy having a bash myself then after swearing all day bashing my head on the wheel arch a few times and wearing out a few hundred grinding discs and making a pile of scrap i can order some nice new mounts feeling they are worth it :rolleyes:

I am not after massive rti i just want a nice supple setup that works with the motor.

I am going to have a play with trevs spring calculator maybe just deducting a small amount from his axle weights due to my motor being pretty similer to his.

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Cheers nige i do like the look of the glyn lewis stuff but as money is tight and i like a challenge i fancy having a bash myself then after swearing all day bashing my head on the wheel arch a few times and wearing out a few hundred grinding discs and making a pile of scrap i can order some nice new mounts feeling they are worth it :rolleyes:

I am not after massive rti i just want a nice supple setup that works with the motor.

I am going to have a play with trevs spring calculator maybe just deducting a small amount from his axle weights due to my motor being pretty similer to his.

I think that suspension miods without life offer a huge benefit, but a lot more thought and work than a "I'll buy a 3 / 4 inch lift kit and wikked" sort of approach

Re RTI Ramp, I am going to see what mine can do as Paul at Challenger 4x4 has an open weekend next weekend and has built a RTI ramp...... :wub: B) Yabaaa daabaaadooooooo :lol:

A few hours on spring rates ios worthwhile, I used Trev calc to gain me what I have now, happy but maybe a tad too soft, but the rears dropped from 225 to 170 but same overall height !


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Cheers nige i do like the look of the glyn lewis stuff but as money is tight and i like a challenge i fancy having a bash myself then after swearing all day bashing my head on the wheel arch a few times and wearing out a few hundred grinding discs and making a pile of scrap i can order some nice new mounts feeling they are worth it :rolleyes:

I am not after massive rti i just want a nice supple setup that works with the motor.

I am going to have a play with trevs spring calculator maybe just deducting a small amount from his axle weights due to my motor being pretty similer to his.

Have you spoken to Gwyn Lewis?! If you give him a ring and explain that you dont have much to spend, he may well sell you the parts in kit form, i.e just need welding together.

He sold a kit of parts to me and it was a good saving in price over the pre built kits.

PM me if you want more detailed price info.


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