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noise wheen steering


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right then having sorted an annoying noise propagating from the rear of the car i now have a new on on the front, well its not new but i can just hear it now the rear one has been solved!

anyway the noise appears to be coming from the front n/s. i can only get it to occur when the vehicle is moving 15mph+ and you turn the steering wheel (engine running) A small turn is enough to start the noise (turning either way creates the noise) and turning back to the center stops the noise.

the noise i would relate to something similar to say a CV shaft contacting the inside of a stub axle intermittently (which believe me can happen (dont ask)) or a stone caught in the disc guard. it seems to worse (ie louder when the vehicle has warmed up) the running gear that is rather than the engine.

lifting the front wheels off the ground and spinning them by hand does NOT reproduce the noise. UJ etc are not loose or warm to touch after a drive. hub bearings are OK.

the vehicle does not do it when static but engine running with the steering wheel turned lock to lock. - i had thought it may be the PAS pump bearings on their way out. i also removed the drive belt and couldnt feel any play in the pump spindle.

neither does it do it when driving in a straight line!

there is nothing i can see touching the discs/wheels etc pads have been checked and are OK - i was thinking of changing the pads but assume then wouldnt it do it the whole time not just when the vehicle was turning if it was the pads?

so Q - does the system put more pressure on the PAS pump when steering input is applied (not holding it on a lock just turning the wheel)

and any ideas - i am stumped!

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Why not jack the front up and put on stands. Put in gear and then get out and see if you can locate the noise. Obviously tethering the rear to another veh if the worse happens and it falls off. That way you can pinpoint the noise.

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thats on the cards for tomorrow now thank you WMV (oops WVM). i am also going to check swivel grease/oil levels etc - you never know and will prob change the pads. logic to me points towards the PAS pump for some reason, but why doesnt it do it when static? - do it cant be can it?

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Ok so tried it on axle stands and in gear with the front up, no noise from either wheel station when gear engaged. have checked both front wheels and cant see anything there to create the noise.

checked all front bushes, checked oil levels, rechecked bearings, rechecked for play in PAS pump all OK,

it only happens when the car is moving, engine running and any steering input is applied.

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Just scap it and buy an 07 model. You know you want to :D

it sounds like i need to wait for the running in problems to be resolved first!!!

I'll swap if you like though, i am prepared to take the risk although the 07 hasn't been out long! i will even fix the squeaky noise first!

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Have you got a steering damper fitted? When they start to seize they groan. TRE's will do the same thing too.

You can test to see if the noise is coming from the pump - put some grease on the tip of your finger and lightly touch the centre shaft of the PAS pump while someone else turns the steering to create the noise.

You can use this same method to locate a noise on any of the steering gear.


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Cheers Les, the noise isint a groan its more of champering (!) noise like something rotating contacting every now and then.

I can't do the pump test as you dont get the noise unless the vehicle is moving, and it needs to be doing 20mph +

It also does it when at that speed when braking or not so i dont think it can be the brakes.

Appears to be coming from the f/n/s wheel station.

I have today removed and replaced the bearings to no avail its still there.

i haven't changed the pads yet they were fitted 8k ago so still loads of tread left but they do rattle a little on the pins, i did slot in some replacements ones to see how they fitted and the play was still there. the pins were replaced last time the pads were changed.

should i be looking panhard bushes/bolts etc?

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Just changed the front pads - noise still there.

Out of curiosity i lifted both rear wheels and tried it in drive to see if i could replicate the noise - and for once i get it!

seems to be coming from the handbrake drum so will have a look at that tomorrow - after all this it would be nice if that is what it was! probably a leaf stuck in there..... need one of those SiR ones if thats the case - this stupid LR has wasted more than enough of my time to date.

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Just changed the front pads - noise still there.

Out of curiosity i lifted both rear wheels and tried it in drive to see if i could replicate the noise - and for once i get it!

seems to be coming from the handbrake drum so will have a look at that tomorrow - after all this it would be nice if that is what it was! probably a leaf stuck in there..... need one of those SiR ones if thats the case - this stupid LR has wasted more than enough of my time to date.

Throw the drum bits in the deepest corner of the garage & fit one of SiR's X-brakes, I've even showed you how to do it. :i-m_so_happy:

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Mark with the amount of problems with the 07MY def at the moment i think i would be more than happy to wait until they are ironed out!

thanks for the call today Jase - suggestion of the stub axle bearing which i had wrongly assumed was a thrust bearing! so thats next to be checked.

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I thought i was clutching at straws hoping it was the drum!!!!

with luck i will get the wheel stations stripped down on Thur and take it from there.

Does anyone know the MPN for the bearing that goes inside the stub axle, as it seems the likely culprit. Microcat seems to just show the bronze trhust bearing where as i want the later one.

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James , Naturaly I guess the CV`s will be getting a good checking over when your stripping off the stubbs .

If it is the cv support bearing thats gone , fit the new one with the Part number visible (facing to the diff )

Sorry dont know the PN .. No doubt Ralph will :D

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