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Discovery Hot Seat

Steve Shaw

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had this on a friends the metal conductors or whatever they are in the heater part of the seat break and then you get a hot spot :blink: its an overlay that sticks to the foam of the seat, you can replace them but its a fiddly pain of a job taking the seat to bits

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No direct experience with a D2 installation, but from 38A and Volvo experience, there is a thermal switch in the seat, which is supposed to open when the seat gets too hot. It sounds as those these are failing.

Get a Dealer quote by all means, but it might be worth making an insurance claim, especially if there is clothing to replace, as well as the seat covering and heater element. I'd say it was an accident, not fair wear and tear, so similar in principle to an underbonnet fire.

Is your NCB protected?

Good Luck

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