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24v through a 12v ARB compressor.

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how long do we think it will work? do you think it will last at all? reason being, i've had it on for a while but it is brand new and i'm not exactly too pleased if i have to buy another one. also what about the air solenoids? are they available seprately?

cheers. si

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The ARB compressors are not continuously rated at 12v and, at least the older ones, occasionally let the smoke out when used for tyre inflation. I would be inclined not to run it from 24v unless you are only using it for diff-locks in which case it will only cut in for short durations.

If you are worried about toasting it - I would avoid 24v.

I have a small Viair compressor which I use for tyre inflation - and it has been amazing. One of my friends has one (an even smaller one) which he uses for lockers and tyre inflation with a small (1/2 gallon) reservoir - and that works brilliantly. All in, including the reservoir and pressure switch it was substantially cheaper than an ARB compressor. Viair (from Matt Savage) supply 24v versions as well. This might be a cheaper solution in the long run.


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Guest noggy

You can easily enough wire in a big resistor, surely thats very cheap, and also will save you from blowing up your compressor?

(or go the viair option as si says, matt only lives over the hill from me)

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18 amps raising to 21 just before they come up to full pressure.

200W 0.68 Ohm resistor should do it then, which means pretty damn big.

A 100W should be able to cope for short periods, say up to 3 minutes or so, but by then I guess you'll have a smoking compressor and a very hot resistor on the verge of burnout... and quite possibly a still under inflated tyre.

For more continuous operation you'd be better off with a 24-12V dropper, for a 25A version they are around £40, plus give you the option to run other 12V stuff in the truck -that's how I would go about it.

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