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OT - HELP - Computer problems.....


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My Dell lap top has gone AWAL.

I keep loosing contact with my tool bar at the bottom of the screen - when I mark a specific button nothing happens. When I use ctrl+alt+del and try and see what is happening I cannot see anything open or processes that can be closed. When I check what the CPU is upto it is running on 97-100% and all of that is in the process labled CSRSS.EXE, when I try and close the specific process the computer tells me that the process is essential and cannot be closed. The only to free the system is to restart using the on/off button.

I am running a AVG 7 antivirus, SpyDoctor, and Adware 6.0. None of these detect any problems.

Does any one know what the CSRSS.EXE process is and what is causing it to use all my CPU and most impotantly how I can fix this problem ?



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My Dell lap top has gone AWAL.

Does any one know what the CSRSS.EXE process is and what is causing it to use all my CPU and most impotantly how I can fix this problem ?



Do a Google - CSRSSE.EXE is apparently a legitimate Microsoft program, but there is also a virus of the same name.

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A couple of good tools to have are procexpnt from url=http://www.sysinternals.com]www.sysinternals.com[/url] which will show you all processes running on your machine and the associated filename with a path for it. This allows you to see if any dodjy looking processes are running. If you right click one it will even google for the process name.

adaware is the next one, I think a website called castle cops is the place to find it, but a quick google will find the right thing. Note that is adAware there is a nasty bit of software called ADWARE (not the lack of A) which will infect you instead. Oh just read back and you already have adaware (hopefully that is just your typo!)

If you like PM me a screen shot from procexpnt and I will see if I can see anything untoward in the list for you


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There's a CSRSS.EXE in the System32 folder, just searched my pc for it.

it part of Windows -- client server runtime process whatever that means :unsure:

some of the Google results links---



OK guys, sorry for the delay but getting this thing up and running again is proving a royal PIA. So some 8 hours later I am 59 USD poorer and no closer to solving my problem. I seem to have a virus hiding in my csrss.exe process but cannot find any program capable of identifying let alone removing the problem. Windows tells me that the file should be one size but in fact it is half as big again so it obviously harbours a trojan or worm but how do I get at it.

Formating the HD is just to much of a pain and I cannot afford to loose all my info. This is so annoying as I spend a small fortune every year on legal anti virus programs.

Any one know how I can remove this ????


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Adam - not an Inspiron is it? The reason I ask is that I had similar symptoms with mine a few months ago. The processor was very slow, always running at close to 100% and the cooling fan was running very fast most of the time. It turned out that the soluition was to remove the keyboard and carefully blow/vacuum all the dust out of the cooling system. After that, normal service was resumed. It may turn out to be a virus/spyware or it may turn out to be a load of dust and fluff. Good luck either way.


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Chris, if only you knew how dusty my computer gets. I live in a desert and dust is more plentiful than oxygen so you may well have pointed me in the right direction. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get the keyboard off and clean the system but first I will try an figure out what the warranty says re it's length.



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Up date.

The problem was/is a worm or trojan that entered masqurading as an MSN Messenger update - WATCH OUT !!

All the off the shelf anti viruses and spy docs etc failed to recognize and or deal with the problem even after I found what it was and where it is. All the pros said to format the HD. In the end I solved the problem, in the mean time anyway, by turning the computer settings back to a date preceeeding the down load. Now I have time to figure out how to take the polluted file out.


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Up date.

The problem was/is a worm or trojan that entered masqurading as an MSN Messenger update - WATCH OUT !!

All the off the shelf anti viruses and spy docs etc failed to recognize and or deal with the problem even after I found what it was and where it is. All the pros said to format the HD. In the end I solved the problem, in the mean time anyway, by turning the computer settings back to a date preceeeding the down load. Now I have time to figure out how to take the polluted file out.


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