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for it shimmers A4 shaped, for it is an MoT certificate :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

109 passed it's MoT first time!!!! only issue was the rear prop had ident. marks where it had been touching the chassis, even the motorbike passed afterwards as well ;) best get the paperwork together to get the registration document :)

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Hi Rob.

Good to hear your truck has passed the MOT, one step closer to getting ready for this years trip to the Alps. But between now and then you do need some serious tuition on as many different terrains as possible. Bunny Lane is a good start, but hardly testing enough to replicate what you are gonna be experiencing out in the Alps. Therefore I do reconmend a trip to say Shoreham, the Grand Canyon where you can get a feel for steep slopes and rocks.

Remember the count down is on, ask Lisa, its only 25 week 1 day and X amount hours to go, so get your skates on!!! :D:D:D

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Hi Rob.

Good to hear your truck has passed the MOT, one step closer to getting ready for this years trip to the Alps. But between now and then you do need some serious tuition on as many different terrains as possible. Bunny Lane is a good start, but hardly testing enough to replicate what you are gonna be experiencing out in the Alps. Therefore I do reconmend a trip to say Shoreham, the Grand Canyon where you can get a feel for steep slopes and rocks.

Remember the count down is on, ask Lisa, its only 25 week 1 day and X amount hours to go, so get your skates on!!! :D:D:D

blimming 'ell I'm getting it from all sides :D just off to the scrappies to get me hopefully a Sherpa gearbox and look into disc brake rear axles (yah never know whats sat in scrappies :) )

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All due respect mate, but engine you have is fine, driving is what you need to be concentrating on at the mo!

V8 can be done in less time!

ummm..... we found out while taking to the MoT that the present gearbox is seriously tempremental and notchy :unsure: another part that should have been noted when I brought it (like the "serviceable" engine that was half full of water where it shouldn't have it) :ph34r:

need to get the LT77 in even before the V8 as I aint happy with whats in there :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah alls ok, finally got the drafting at work finished so we're into the mopping-up process now for the next fortnight :)

Lessons books for next week, will try and remember to phone my instructor tomorrow to look into the idea of booking the test for the end of the month if he's free and forming a plan (Hannah fool!) driving dad down to Shepton Mallet on Sunday for a classic bike show, need a few bits for dad's bike that I am finishing the restoration on:



Hopefully she'll be a show winner :)

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