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steering and wheel bearing woes?


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After a good off roading session i have some problems,I drive a 94 300 tdi auto.The steering has got a small lump in it when you turn right this has been there since i have owned the car but now has got worse.The next problem is even after i have adjusted up the wheel bearing i still have some play top to bottom and side to side,is this new swivel bearing time?Problem number three is that when its on full lock i get a clicking sound coming from the same wheel does this mean that the cv joint has had it or is about to go?Problem number 4 is that it(im assuming the wheel bearing here)is squeeking permenantly as i drive does this inidcate that the wheel bearing is on its way to expiry.Im not driving the car because i dont want the bearing lock up some of you have experianced.I have checked the steering damper and all is fine as i only replaced it 3 months ago.I think i should mention that i have done some cracking fords just lately,and one has been about half a mile long.

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The lump in the steering is possibly the UJ on the steering column.

The play must be the swivel bearings if the wheel bearings are adjusted ok.

Clicking sounds like a CV joint but could even be a broken bearing race.

If your wheel bearings are squeaking they are about to seize solid.

I would take the whole lot apart and get the water out and some grease in. Wading is fun, I agree, but it tends to require more maintenance if you are not to have problems.

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^^^^ what he said.

The clicking sounds like a CV joint...

I also reckon you should rebuild/renew both front wheel bearings, and check the pre-load on both front swivels, as it sounds like the need either adjusting/ replacing.

I'd also renew the grease in both swivel housings, and the oil in the front axle casing...

Wadding lost its apeal for me after repeatedly having to clean sand and mud out of my wheel bearings with a hammer and chisel...

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Well i have got it all apart and loads of water came out and hardly any grease,bearings all move freely and cv joint looks fine to me,but im no expert,im wondering if its just a lack of lubrication thats giving me trouble?Im going to have the other side off tomorrow and re pack everything with grease.Could i use copper grease instead of the ordinary grease or is this a real no no?Also how on earth is the water getting in there?I wasnt loosing any grease or oil before.

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One easy way to tell if movement in the wheel is down to bearings or swivel is to get someone to press the brakes while you try and move the wheel - if the movement goes away then it's wheel bearings, if it continues then it's the swivel. Applying the brakes effectively clamps the wheel/hub to the swivel housing locking any wheel bearing movement.

I'll 3rd the steering column UJ - try spraying some penetrating oil on them as an interim fix.. and worn CV as a source of clicking when turning is the usual culprit, again, as already posted.

The water normally gets in through the breather pipes if they're not above the water level - a warm axle hitting cold water sucks "air" in as the air inside it contracts and will quite happily suck water in if the breather is below water level. Water also gets in through the swivel housing seal and can also get in through the drive flange cap, especially in deep water where the water pressure will force it's way through the seal.

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Well i have got it all apart and loads of water came out and hardly any grease,bearings all move freely and cv joint looks fine to me,but im no expert,im wondering if its just a lack of lubrication thats giving me trouble?Im going to have the other side off tomorrow and re pack everything with grease.Could i use copper grease instead of the ordinary grease or is this a real no no?Also how on earth is the water getting in there?I wasnt loosing any grease or oil before.

No, don't use copper grease....

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Well i have got it all apart and loads of water came out and hardly any grease,bearings all move freely and cv joint looks fine to me,but im no expert,im wondering if its just a lack of lubrication thats giving me trouble?Im going to have the other side off tomorrow and re pack everything with grease.Could i use copper grease instead of the ordinary grease or is this a real no no?Also how on earth is the water getting in there?I wasnt loosing any grease or oil before.

hello mate im in colchester if you want any grease i have plenty of 400g tubes foc pm me if you want a few

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Thanks for the info lads and thanks pinny for the offer of some grease but i have some and was just thinking that copper grease would be a bit more manly and not get washed away like the other stuff that was in there.Looks like i better check the diff oil as well now then.

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Well i finished the drivers side front and its perfect again,I removed the smallist shim from the swivel preload adjuster and all play has gone.The wheel spins beautifully the clicking has stopped and the notch has gone along with the squealing.I must say im proud of myself and to be honest its a very easy job,just got to do the passenger side tomorrow and i will be done.Its a real messey job so while i have got my old clothes on is it worth looking at the back ones as well just to be sure?Are they the same bearing type as the front?Thanks again fellas for the info.

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