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as i say, who's coming to visit our sunny area then, i,m there all weekend, marshaling and all that, be nice to put some faces to some nanes, i,m the ugly one who's allways at tixover, white 90, goaty beard, be nice to meet a few folks,



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hi tinks, guy told me you had got your truck done, cant you get the week off, then you can do both, wont be the same without your cheery persona about, lro p'bog was a drag, everyone was so solem, but i put that down to darrel being there,

both events should be a blast, and i promise to remove the punches that are still kicking about from the ultimate ^_^

hope to see you there adrian,



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nice to know some folks are coming, yes phil, i've finally come over from the dark side,(lro), looking forward to seeing the truck with its cage, two good events , marshalling both, hope you make it to tixover this time round.

you all know its gona be a muddy one, and the lake is nice and deep, hope to have a few suprises for you guys.

little simon from stamford will not be there, rolled his truck a couple of weeks ago, practicing at tixover, quite a nasty one,

come say hi folks, you will know its me, i'l have a big grin on my face like allways,



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There is no way I'll be able to get the week off :( Besides what would I do in kett/corby for a whole week?!

I'll try to drive up for both seen as it looks like ya cant cope with out me :D & Phil you know I'd never leave you stranded on the 43 when you run outa diesel! ;);)

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Nice to know you will be there for me Tinks!!!!!! Im sure between us all we can find something for you to do in the general area.

Mudcred, you know vince lives in McD's so even if your tensioner pulley survives the whole weekend a visit to the golden arches will be required at some point!!!!! ( sorry vince!)

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Nice to know you will be there for me Tinks!!!!!! Im sure between us all we can find something for you to do in the general area.

Mudcred, you know vince lives in McD's so even if your tensioner pulley survives the whole weekend a visit to the golden arches will be required at some point!!!!! ( sorry vince!)

Its alright if the pully tensioner goes , back up is waiting, the disco 3 will make a good substitute after today's panel bashing.

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I'll be there driving my pal's truck "He must be Mad lol"

Mudcred i like the avatar picture ! was that last years Santa's out the back of tixover ? sure i reconise it !!!!!! :lol:

Looking forward to this one too :ph34r:

Yep thats the one, great pic, you might see us in there again except i think the boggers will pull us through :rolleyes:

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Looks like we may be out, rear diffs gone, water pumps gone, pas pumps on the way out, clutch may be shot, likewise alternator.......But we are still hopefull!!!

Looks like you've got a busy next week then, that is a lot to fix, hopeful is optimistic but the best way to be.

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if you need any help phil give us a shout mate, cant help with the diff though, as you know i sold mine to the muppet way to cheap,


Yeah i remember you selling that as a bargain, and i dont think muppet is quite the right description!!!!!

We should know by sunday if we are in or out but that was just the short version of the list!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

same here, hope everyone had fun, thanks for your cheery attitudes all weekend, you made it a good weekend for this marshal, had a blast, even though some of my fellow marshals were a bit over zealous, you all know who i mean, been a good one,

THANK YOU ALL, once again,

BOW,, ;)

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