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Another step nearer!

Hillbilly Raider

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no it aint that, just sick of work and the poxy DVLA website, crock of ......., been waiting for them to respond to my email about doing the test since their website, well, computer says noooo......, shall phone them tomorrow, inbetween meetings about justifying the justifications of the lateness in us justifying the the missing of deadlines in specifying the specific dates for concluding the justifications in us justifying us missing something or other, or was it something else...... ah balls that where's my CV.....

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Get in there :D

Tried the DSA website again and got:

System Message

You are not entitled to take or are not required to take the test you selected. For more information, please contact the Call Centre on 0870 600 0067 or email Customer Care at customercare@pearson.com.

So, contacted the call centre and as I passed my motorcycle test back in 1999 and the motorcycle theory test covered the car test as well, they have honoured this, and I don't have to do the car theory test as confirmed by the call centre :D

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Thats good! the way you were talking you had only had a couple of lessons with the instructor.

yeah, 8hrs already "instructored", and did a 3hr trip down to West Bay and back on Sunday with me father, amongst other little trips recently ;)

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must be a halfwit then rob, i only had 4 lessons and that included one of em to use the instructors car for my test :P

the tester took pity on you, seeing that you were'nt dragging your knuckles when walking into the pompey test centre he decided to let you have a chance of being able to drive out and away from pompey before you finally evolved into a true pompeyite ;)

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