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changing a rear quarter panel


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Has anyone ever replaced the small panel above the rear lights on a series 1 disco?

After an altercation with a tree this weekend, i now have a nasty dent (see piccy below)


Any hints/photos/tips would be most appreciated.

And if anyone is breaking a disco anywhere near north Kent/ south Essex and has this panel available (Especially if it bairitz blue) I'd be interested...

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Looking at that, i would be more inclined to strip out the inner rear trim and try and push it out from the inside.

The removal procedure for those panels is in Rave somewhere, not too involved IIRC, just lots of bolts and some seam sealer.

If you cannot get at it from behind, then some small holes drilled in strategic places and a slide hammer will straigten it, couple of blobs of weld in the holes, skim of filler and paint it back up - job done.

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welding may work on it, not sure, need advice from one of the welding guru's.

alternatively, refill the holes with epoxy resin or something. trouble is, i suspect that the metal will have stretched with the impact, so not sure how well it will come back out.

did have a scrap disco shell here until last weekend :( you would have been welcome to have the panel off that.

there are a few on the bay of e's ATM.

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It is possible to remove just that damged panel, but as it is weld to the rear 3 quarter side panel it is slighlty tricky to re attach.

I know this cos i have done the same on on mine and it is only attched by the screws in the near the boot hinges and a screw at the bottom,

To break the welds all you need is the goold old big hammer and a chisel/screwdriver


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Hi. I know of a guy in great Lieghs who is breaking one and it looks the same colour.

He is just outside Braintree in Essex so not too far.

PM me if you need his number, I dont know how long before its off to the scrappy but it wont be for at least a week I think.

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:ph34r: Hi are you sure that panel is alloy, anyway if it is gently (GENTLY) warm it then carefully hammer back out, alloy streaches more than steel but work hardens hence the gentle warming. To keep an eye on the amount of heat used aquire a candle(not the misses best one) use as a stick of chalk, mark a line down the centre of panel gently warm panel when wax starts to run this is the heat reqd, panel beat out using panel hammer and dolly ( not daughters) best of luck. Also works with steel but again care in use. BEWARE too much heat and alloy WILL VANISH.
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