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Air flow meter to manifold hose options?

Ben Jordan

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I have a problem with my LPG system back firing which has blown my Air flow meter to manifold hose in half. I know i will have to sort that problem which will probably be posted on here soon.

Anyway my Rangie came with the LPG system fitted and i was always unhappy with this hose due to the large kink that was in it due to the introduction of the LPG injection section (don’t know real name sorry) into this sort space. Sorry you can’t see it due to me bodging it back together with black nasty. Is there any other way of connecting these together with a better fitting and more robust hose, Samco for example?

How have your LPS systems been plumbed into the engine on your V8's?



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Jules i know i will have to sort that problem as i stated above. but until that time i can still run it on petrol to get to work. And to be quite honest i need to get the pipe sorted as it is not running to well with the split pipe.

The pipe froma dealer is about £25.

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It's normal ducting hose, made by Wyrem. It's got spiral wire reinforcement inside and is sort of rubberised fabric - just go into the hose shop and ask for some 70mm bore hose that can handle a bit of suction and doesn't cost too much and you should end up with roughly the right thing.

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Another thing to consider is what the backfires do to the trumpets within the planum chamber. (The cast piece with 3.9 on the top).

My 4.2 was backfiring at a level that actually had people coming out of their houses - a colleague at work suggested it sounded like a seismic event. It turned out to be a badly worn camshaft.

However, the trumpets in the plenum chamber had been blown out of their seats, a couple were right up against the top of the casting and a couple were out of their seats altogether and lying on their sides... God knows the effect this had on air flow :o

I have not blown my hose to bits because I have a little flapper valve on the side of the plenum chamber - mind you the jet from that has removed the soundproofing from the bottom of the bonnet! :P

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The hose is available from HypHose for about £20/m, you need 70mm bore I think:

Hypose is a quite far away from me. As i would like to collect, does anybody know the same sort of suppliers in the Midlands? or what i would have to search in the yellow pages for? as i've tried to no avail.

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Shorter the better really, otherwise there's a lag between what the engine's doing and the ECU "seeing" it and adding more fuel. Also a long tract of pipe will smooth out peaks, again resulting in the mixture potentially being out.

Any hydraulics / hose / pneumatics type place should be able to help. Look in yellow pages.

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I have replied to the backfire problem on your other thread.

I also had the problem you are experiencing with the kinked Air hose. My solution was to remove the air box and shorten the trumpet on the front. This gave enough room to re drill the mountings in the wing for the Airflometer bracket (towards front of vehicle). So the whole plot is nearer the radiator. This puts the hose back to the same shape it was originally before the LPG mixer was added to the tract. Tt works a treat.



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