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Reported Stolen Series 3 In wrexham Area


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Hi All

This needs your help

I am the Owner of a Blue 88 inch Series 3 pick up landrover with a 2.5 diesel engine.

The vehicle was taken to Landy engine and gearbox specalists in chirk Wrexham, which i now know has ceased trading.

The vehicle has not been returned to me and has gone into "stolen" status with north wales, Shropshire and Staffs police..

I need any information regarding the where abouts the vehicle,

The vehicle is a Blue series 3 88 inch pick up truck registration KVV 624Y.

The landy has twin rear facing spotlights and the engine will have components painted caterpillar yellow

Last seen in the Canal wood industrial estate Chirk Wrexham.

Any person giving information which leads to the successful reuniting of my landrover back to me will be rewarded..


Mr Rose

07970 733216 chrisonayacht_431@hotmail.com

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The vehicle was taken to Landy engine and gearbox specalists in chirk Wrexham, which i now know has ceased trading.

A name would be helpful if there is information that other users on this forum could provide. ie: ...I've heard of them and they are......


shame to see that you were shafted by a so called "specialists"


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It would but without the opportunity to ask them their side of the story also quite damaging.

so that bit has been left out.

a bit of searching won't take long but will not be quoting what could be slanderous comment.

Were they a limited company? If so you can get the director's and shareholders names and addresses from Companies House for a small fee.

It can be done online which should save your legs.

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Have they ceased trading or have they gone bust? not the same thing.

If they've gone bust a firm of receivers will have been appointed to managed the winding up of the business. They have the power to secure any remaining assets on site and also to remove them to a safe place if unauthorised removal may be suspected. These will be held until such time as ownership can be established.

Have you visited the premises to check the vehicle is not just locked inside?

You need to find out exactly what is going on. The receivers should either be on site or have left their name and address on the entrance to the property. There should also be a notice in the local paper and if a ltd company, notice on the companies house web site and the London Gazette (also on line).

Once you contact the receivers with proof of ownership they should be able to locate the vehicle.

I don't know the details of the company, you say engine and gearbox specialists.

Is it possible they just rebuild the units and use another local garage for fitting? If so the vehicle may be sitting in someone else's workshop.

TBH I think you may as well name the company, as I think I know who it is already and it may get you some more help from those familiar with them.

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I think I'll wander completely off topic here and observe, completely independently, that there's also a company in Wrexham called LEGS who do engine and gearbox rebuilds. I know it's probably not relevant here but I thought I'd throw it in anyway.

Good luck finding yr LR. It'll be very difficult to shift as a whole vehicle without the paperwork.

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