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temp sender 200 tdi conversion


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Have nearly finshed my 200tdi conversion, but am wondering if any one knows if petrol /diesel landrovers had different sender units,mine reads half way between normal and hot (clocks are 1971 Diesel 11a) with series sender in 2.5 petrol adaptor into 200 tdi housing. Any ideas please :(

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They do that becasue the 200tdi runs hotter than the old series lump did. Mine reads just on the bottom of the red. Either live with it, or replace the naff electromechanical voltage regulator on the back of the speedo with a 9v electronic one which will drop the reading to about Normal on the gauge.

I've not found an alternate sender unit that gives a senseable reading on the series gauge.


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I used a SIII 2.25 petrol sender, and the needle sits about 1/3rd of the way up the normal range unless working very hard at low speed, where the needle may move to about 2/3 of the way up the black segment. Based on what I see on my Tdi RRC, these are the sorts of indications you'd expect on a factory system.

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do the series senders fit in the 200tdi housing? or does it need re tapping?

when i converted mine, i used the defender sender, and the needle on the gauge only ever clears the C at the bottom when something is wrong. I've just got used to it now though.

I'm the only person who drives it, and i know when its getting too hot :)

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i used s111 clocks and s111 petrol sender at normal temp the guage reads just out of the cold even on motorways and climbing steep hills but noticed it started reading slightly higher when i was off roading and the rad got a bit clogged but after i jet washed it it went back to just over the cold again.



1962 2a swb 200 tdi.

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