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A ponder, maybe vapour, maybe not

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Just a thought going around in my head at the moment....

If I got a LWB series Land Rover and removed all the body work and rebodied with 1930's style two seat racer type open top bodywork would there be any obvious problems with MOT, SVA or IVA?

Was thinking of having legal lights, cycle wings and pointy bits of chassis covered and outriggers removed but mechanicals all (mostly) standard but may think about an autobox with the selector on the right and outside the body alongside the hand brake lever. The body would have to fit the width of the chassis rails so it would be snug for two seats.

I've just always liked the look from that period and fancied something different. Blower Bentley on a Series chassis but with 4wd and a winch instead of the blower. Scale would be about right, Blower Bentleys were huge.

A bit like that bloke who turned a Land Rover in to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

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My interpretation of the rules is that a utility Land Rover holds practically no points in the bodywork. But! The steering is connected to the bulkhead, so if that's all altered then you might lose points there and the same if you alter all the chassis mountings for the body.

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Just a thought going around in my head at the moment....

If I got a LWB series Land Rover and removed all the body work and rebodied with 1930's style two seat racer type open top bodywork would there be any obvious problems with MOT, SVA or IVA?

Was thinking of having legal lights, cycle wings and pointy bits of chassis covered and outriggers removed but mechanicals all (mostly) standard but may think about an autobox with the selector on the right and outside the body alongside the hand brake lever. The body would have to fit the width of the chassis rails so it would be snug for two seats.

I've just always liked the look from that period and fancied something different. Blower Bentley on a Series chassis but with 4wd and a winch instead of the blower. Scale would be about right, Blower Bentleys were huge.

A bit like that bloke who turned a Land Rover in to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

It would look odd with a Q plate so you should try and keep the chassis un-altered.

Cycle wings are an issue with IVA and cause a lot of problems trying to deal with the sharp edges around the suspension. The solution would be to go for wings and running boards. The running boards would cover and use the outriggers. Anything in the wheelarch is then exempt from IVA sharp edge inspection.

For the outside handbrake lever the IVA manual says you must be able to operate it from the driving seat with one hand still on the steering wheel so that should be OK. Loads of other bits about adequate strength and not releasing if you give it a thump etc. but a 30's style lever will be brick ****house like anyway.

If it had front and rear bumpers on it for IVA then most of the sharp bits underneath will be exempt below that bumper line.

Sounds like fun.


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As far as the DVLA are concerned the body scores zero points. The registration number stays with the chassis as long as the frame isn't chopped. Obviously normal construction and use regs apply.

I've pondered over the same thing but using the six cylinder engine for added olde worlde charm.

There are a few pictures of something similar on the Paintman's website.


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That sort of looks a bit twee and toy towny and chunky. The Series two radiator panel doesn't help, needs to be taller and thinner and on leaf springs. The head lamps also need to be seperate from the grille on brackets.


That is a bit more like it, a bit Mad Max.

Maybe with a long sweaping six pot exhaust manifold out the side of the bonnet...

I would go with just the rear roll hoop and a proper radiator housing to suit. I'd have to think about the safety aspect of an exposed fuel tank right at the back end though.

I do like the cycle wings but maybe swept wings and running boards over the exhaust would be easier to keep legal.

So what I would need to start it would be a tax exempt Series 2 LWB. It would need an engine swap to a 6 pot and auto but I could cope with a reliable Land Rover lump and a remote gear change.

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That sort of looks a bit twee and toy towny and chunky. The Series two radiator panel doesn't help, needs to be taller and thinner and on leaf springs. The head lamps also need to be seperate from the grille on brackets.

I didn't say I liked it! It's only got one seat too.

There was also that pickup thing that one of the LR mag editors put together using an old 'T' bucket bodyshell. I've got a picture somewhere.

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I didn't say I liked it! It's only got one seat too.

There was also that pickup thing that one of the LR mag editors put together using an old 'T' bucket bodyshell. I've got a picture somewhere.

There is definately something not quite right with the way it looks to be really likable. Proportions are not quite right and the colour doesn't work (nor does the flying helmet).

The silver one looks like it is a two seater with the body wider at the back end for the seats and has better proportions.

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A bit like this then?

S3 109" with V8 conversion, 'Jooster' pickup bodywork.

What happened to that one - I liked :wub: B)

It has a certain 'what have i got lying around' coolness, but it would have been pretty easy to tidy it up and make a nice little hotrod.

Went like stink too as I recall ;)

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There was also that pickup thing that one of the LR mag editors put together using an old 'T' bucket bodyshell. I've got a picture somewhere.

John Carroll, that was his name.

How about this old chestnut...


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