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Bit O/T, help with my Overland website logo

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Can anybody help me with a logo for my website?

I know absolutely nothing about this web design malarky, so am teaching myself as I go along.

I would like a nice logo for the site, but have no idea how to go about creating one from scratch.

I have come up with something like this:


But this is made up entirely of clip art I have found on the net, and stuck together in a word document, then edited in Photoshop.

Actually, I rather like it. Apart from that Land Rover on top. It looks a bit wrong to me? Does anybody have any suggestions on how to better this design, perhaps with a different Defender being used.

Any other feedback or suggestions gratefully received.


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I dont really want something with my own vehicle on it. I dont want it to look like a photograph sitting on top of clip art.

I quite like what I have come up with so far, but if I could change the vehicle part of it to look more like some of those Avatars some people have?


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maybe it could be animated so the LR is sat on top with the globe rotating underneath it [as though the LRis driving] or put a LR on the equator line with the globe rotating, so it looks like it's driving around the world.

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Ralph, that is almost exactly what I had in mind originally!

I ideally want a globe that looks sort of cartoon-ish (but not exactly) with a Land Rover driving around the top in side-on view. Not my own vehicle, but one that is generic, i.e could either be a Series or a Defender, but unmistakably a Land Rover.

I would want the globe to rotate but the text & LR to remain stationary.

Now all THAT is well beyond my capabilities; I had to get Jude to help me with some parts of what we have so far.


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Before this gets locked for OT-ness...

I just ran an online competition for a logo for my business. You can set the amount of 'prize money' (which you will have to pay at the end to the winner), and write a brief, and sit back and watch the entries roll in from around the globe!

Mine ran for about a week and I had 60-odd entries. You can give feedback to each designer as they submit stuff, and they will tweak it according to your comments (in fact you're positively encouraged to).

Its great. I had an idea of what I thought I wanted, but in the end I got something totally different that I wouldn't have thought of.

Here is the website, hope it helps: http://99designs.com


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