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alternator probs causing 200Tdi battery discharge

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further to my previous post about my battery discharging overnight,I have narrowed it down to the alternator.

with the positive lead off the battery I connected a meter between the possitive lead and the possitive post on the battery and I had a leak of over 3amps

after a sugestion by a forum member, I un plugged the three pin plug on the back of the alternator and put the meter back on. no leak. plugged the alternator back in and leak is back.

OK so what do you think could be the problem and what do you think I should change?

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Probably a dodgy diode pack which is leaking current the wrong way. Your option is either:

1. New diode pack for £10 (ish?), disassemble alternator and solder it in

2. New alternator from the scrappy (mine cost £23.50)

Personally I think 2 is the better option, but it's up to you. You could always do 2 and then 1 and then you have a spare :)

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I would just go buy a recon alternator.

The rebuild kits dont replace the large coils inside the alternator (Stators?) and on mine, i spend bloody ages rebuilding it, soldering in the new diode pack and regulators, and found i'd build myself a nice arc welder when i tried to connect it back to the battery, the stator was shorting out as all the insulation had begun peeling off and presumably me cleaning it up finished it off.

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