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Buying a 3.9 classic


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I looking at buying a '93 classic RR to replace my terminally rotten 3.5.

Found one with LPG with a good chassis and a good body apart from a couple of patches needed on the offside inner wing.

But only having had 3.5 pre 89 before I am unsure of a few things:

Engine somtimes idles at approx 2000 (petrol or gas) rpm when started and remains like that until switched of and restarted, when it may or may not do it again. I'm guessing idle stepper valve? In wich case not a problem as I will be megasquirting with PWM valve using MS setup off my 3.5.

ABS light does not go off when engine started no matter how long you wait. It does go off when car gets to about 8mph. Not what I was expecting, is this normal?

To weld the inner wing I will have to remove the ABS unit. I've heard there are problems bleeding these systems without diagnostic kit. Can anyone comment on this?

Sudpension air bags have slight surface cracking. I would assume this is normal for rubber bags continually expanding and contracting, but I have no experience of these.

Do these need cats fitted to pass an MOT?

Finally any idea of the right sort of price for one of these?

Sorry about all the questions - I've not much (any) experience with the later more complicated classics



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Engine somtimes idles at approx 2000 (petrol or gas) rpm when started and remains like that until switched of and restarted, when it may or may not do it again. I'm guessing idle stepper valve? In wich case not a problem as I will be megasquirting with PWM valve using MS setup off my 3.5.

Yep, most likely stepper motor, nothing to worry about with MS :)

ABS light does not go off when engine started no matter how long you wait. It does go off when car gets to about 8mph. Not what I was expecting, is this normal?

Yep perfectly normal, RTFM ;)

To weld the inner wing I will have to remove the ABS unit. I've heard there are problems bleeding these systems without diagnostic kit. Can anyone comment on this?

Yes they are a PITA to bleed, get a Gunsons Eezibleed and follow official procedure, and you should be OK. On mine I spent 4 hours bleeding the brakes, and could not get a pedal, no matter how much fluid I ran through the system.... I gave up, took it for a slow drive and within 1/4 of a mile I had a hard pedal -that's 3 separate occasions and 2 different vehicles, and it worked.... odd one I know, but hey-ho :)

Do these need cats fitted to pass an MOT?

Not if presented for test running on LPG ;) As it's a 93, I think you would if you presented it on petrol... so just don't :)

Finally any idea of the right sort of price for one of these?

Anywhere from £500 to £2000 I would say, really depends on condition.... I will warn you though, the last of the classics seem a LOT more prone to rot than the earlier ones (pre-1992) and I wouldn't just look at the shiny paintwork and lovely leather and fall in love with it, get under and give it a THOROUGH inspection, the usual spots... sills, inner rear wheel arch, C-pillar, B-pillar, seat belt points on inner rear arch, front inner wheel arches, all body mounts, rear floor (lift the carpet), rear body cross member, front footwells.... the list does go on :(

Don't worry about the number of questions, and they aren't *THAT* much more complicated TBH :)

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I will warn you though, the last of the classics seem a LOT more prone to rot than the earlier ones (pre-1992) a

That seems to be how it is with most of the LR range- my '84 90 is much more solid looking than some later ones half its age. Guess the quality of steel etc changed...

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Thanks for the quick and comprehensive reply.

No worries about the mechanics/electrics then, but youv'e both made me paraniod about corosion now! I did check all the usual suspects rear arches, sills, footwells etc. But thinking about it I forgot to check the front body mounts near the radiator. I will go back tonight and have another good look before making an offer.

Any one any comments about the suspension airbags as in my first post?

Thanks again


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Any one any comments about the suspension airbags as in my first post?

Sorry, no experience of them except driving an airsprung softie, and actually preferring the ride on my HD 2" lifted vehicle :blink:

If they are original, I'd be budgeting for some new ones in a year or so's time.

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Hi again,

Well for better or worse I bought this tonight. Had really good poke around at this and apart from some surface rust on the bottom of the sills where some under seal is missing I couldn't find much wrong (apart from the inner wing mentioned before).

Got it for £800 for which I think (hope) is a reasnonble price.

Only got 3 months MOT but has a shedload of history with some scary garage bills. The previous owner is a none mechanically type and has had it into a garage for everything. I think he is selling because he's afraid of more bills at MOT.

The rust on the inner wing is very local just on the "corner" where the flat part of the wing bends down towards the bulkhead. I think maybe someone has spilt brake fluid in the past and taken the paint off.

Picking up Sunday when I've sorted the insurance, so new toy playday!

Thanks again for the advice.


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Good price, pending an MOT test :P

Yes the MOT will tell! But now I've had it a few days the only problem so far (apart from an LPG hiccup in another thread) the only problem is some slight vaugeness traced to a worn ball joint on the drag link. So hopefully thats all, but then it is an LR so who knows!


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