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After competing in the Rainforest challenge Murca last year Paul felt that he must return this year to see if he could do better than 3rd and spirit of the event as he got last year. Team Challenger 4x4 has changed this year, due to new baby Neville was not able to co drive for Paul, so Paul has taken on the help of Kristian Larsson from Sweden who Paul met in Morrocco last year and who has competed in a few of our events since then. Hopefully they will do well for us.

Jim Marsden from Gigglepin is also competeing with Martin Birch (i think!!!!) and Martin Stainer and Graham Mitchell are also representing the UK.

They left home Sunday morning and arrived in Portugal late Monday, yesterday they got through scrutineering and then had a long boring wait until the start at 11pm.

In this event you must carry all your spares with you at all times and at scrutineering a list of what you have in compiled, during the competition if you are seen fixing your car with something other than what is on your list then you must tell them where you got it from and they cross it off of that persons list, even tyres are marked !!!

They started the first special stage last night and it was a series of three sections which by all accounts was fairly easy but just took ages as there was so many people to get through, about 30 cars I think, this part wasn't agaist the clock and from what I understand it didn't go towards the scores in anyway. They finished at 4.45am and then started again this morning at 10am. i have no more news today as yet, I will keep you posted!!!

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Update so far:

Wednesday day, Paul had a really carp day, he and Kristian have never worked together before and Kristian has never competed in such a high profile event before so felt a bit out of his depth. The pressure got to them both and quite a few silly mistakes were made which left Paul and Kristian very frustrated!!!! Martin and Graham and Jim did well during the day but Martin had a really bad stomach and did the day sections but pulled out of the night stage. After the day stage the running order for team GB was Jim 2nd, Martin 5th and Paul a lowly 8th.

The night stage was very similar to one of last years, but Paul and Kristian did well on this and got one of the fastest times!! Cars all good, mood moderate. x

Thursday day, alot of technical sections today , Paul and Kristian were just behind Martin and Graham so they have been supporting each other all day, which Paul is pleased about, Paul did a CV but apart from that no breakages. Finished fairly early and went back to camp. The pressure had lifted a bit today so things have gone alot better. Running order after yesterday are: Jim 2nd, Paul 4th and Martin 12th.

Will update again as soon as I know.



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Gigglepin: 2th - 10619 points

Challenger 4x4: 8th - 13732 points

Moonraker 4x4: 9th - 14566 points

Adrian Turner, we really mised you here in Portugal.


My best to all

Filipe Santos

Estrada Real

Thank's Filipe :)

How was your event fella, where did you finish then!

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Thank's Filipe :)

How was your event fella, where did you finish then!

Hello Adrian,

I did 6th, but i drove very bad. My co-pilote was quite angry with me. I need to make more competition. But i had an fantastic time, i even did of co-pilote and the friends from UK where very nice. Paul, Graham, Martin, Jim, Sweden and Jim co-pilote and most of all the "caneca de cerveja" where quite a "friend".

I hope to see all of you very soon.

Filipe Santos

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