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Yes, its a HFH Moment..........

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And part 2:


...later that evening......

Alleyway door closes and SWMBO walks in.....

"have a nice time dear ?......."

"what the HELL is that smell ?"

"Smell ?....er do you mean the waxoil ?"

"Is that what it is - its disgusting"


"yes really, the alleyway stinks, I mean I could smell it when I got out of the car..."

"er...really ?"

"yes, Really, I mean my G*d its stinking everywhere out, its even permutated the house "


"yes really and [ picks up cat - I look away at telly and pray]...and ....good grief even the cat smells of it its ....[ at this point the cat growls at Sue.....probably hand enough of being "handled" during the evening...]..."WELL if your going to be like that madam you grumpy old thing" ...[places cat down firmly - cat grumbles some more].. cat exits still grumbling

"Charming.........well.....Anyway, have you finished.........?"


I've got away with it...."yes dear thanks"...

I've got away with it...."all done"...I've got away with it...."think I'll have a beer"...I've got away with it....I've got away with it...."Would you like a glass of wine ?"....I've got away with it....yippee....I've got away with it....and




RESULT....... !

But a bit close for comfort......far to close


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Yeah, funny ol world.....

Earlier Tonight when Mr Fridge was around he admired the "Long tall Stain" on the brickwork, the exact spot where the cat sat and got waxoiled and its still there ! (and the cat is still about too, 21 in April 2007 :huh: )

As John said, those bricks will never rust :lol: funny the cats rust cloured tho (ginger) :D


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