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Welding D rings into x member


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This must be my first thread in the fab section so go easy on me :P

Ive just started welding....3 days ago Ive been practicing pleanty and im quite happy that its not going too bad. Im using a SIP migmate 150 with pure Co2 no Ive noticed that it cant weld no where near the quoted 6mm steel :rolleyes: but for the price i payed im not complaining. I had to move the mount on my rockslider to clear my front cage mount....Im quite impressed for my 3rd day welding.


I have bought some Weld on recovery rings from North offroad when i ordered my cage they are solid 20mm bar so my question is am i likely to get any decent penetration?

These are the jobbies in question.....


any help would be appreciated


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Personally, I wouldnt trust new welding skills on something like recovery loops without a lot of practise!!

on a different note, I'd think about drilling the bumper with holes for the ring ends to poke through a bit, then weld around them each side of the bumper face. Would then get more penetration as both sides are welded...

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It is fair to say that you want a good weld on the rings, but, if you turn the power up to full and the wire down to a point just before the crackling becomes a buzz you will get the hottest weld with best penetration. You will find that the spatter will be much more sticky but it is the best way to get close to the quoted thickness. Changing to ar co2 mix will allow you to get a hotter weld without so much mess.

Make sure you get a good weld on the inside of the bumper and you'll be fine.

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pure CO2 will give you the hottest weld possible with the most penetration, increasing the percentage of argon in the mix will give you a neater cleaner weld but also slightly colder.

I would have thought its very close to the capacity of your welder, if you've got a mate down the road with a bigger welder you could use then i reckon that would be a better choice for recovery points.


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When I welded my Bishbuilt tongue.gif recovery eyes into my front bumper with a similar power welder I used a blow torch to heat the materials as much as possible before starting to weld. Made a big difference to the impact of the welder! I also put down a LOT fo weld, just to be sure you understand!!laugh.gif

So far they have not come off and that included a double line almost stalled pull through a bog at Bampton too :)

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pure CO2 will give you the hottest weld possible with the most penetration, increasing the percentage of argon in the mix will give you a neater cleaner weld but also slightly colder.

IME Argon has given a hotter weld and CO2 a colder weld.

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It depends on how you are judging how hot the weld is, if you completed two welds side by side under the same conditions but one using pure co2 and the other an argon co2 mix when the penetration is tested the co2 weld would have significantly more.

Both gasses are more than suitable for the application as the welder is limited to dip transfer due to power, however if it had 200A then spray transfer would be possible and argon co2 mix would be much better as i think roguevogue was referring to.

Bishbosh has a very good point about preheating the joint


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