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perment mag winch how to


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I have a permanent magnet winch with two connecting points which I am trying to make wireless. I have the wireless box

and remote but it does not seem to work, does any one know if I have to add anything or a wiring diagram that could help?

(Translated for the benefit of the older members on here.)

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ok here are some pictures of the winch i have, the wireless remote, and wiring diragram i got,

as you see there is no control box or soleniods only a wondering lead with 4 wires two to the battery pos/ neg and the same to the winch

i have tryed attaching the battery straight to the wirless box and then the in and out leads to the winch but does not work

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I wouldn't be surprised if you've killed the receiver if you've wired it direct.

You'll need to use solenoids to use the wireless controller with that winch; the solenoids would replace the switches in the hand controller.

The present setup has the high current load of the winch switched directly by the switches in the hand held control. This is reasonably unconventional when it comes to 12v vehicle winches.

The wireless controller is not designed to switch high current loads. It is designed to control the solenoids/relays commonly used with 12v winches. By wiring it direct you may well have drawn too much current through the wireless receiver and damaged it.

I would suggest you get hold of a solenoid pack/Albright and then start again.

What are you planning to use that winch for? Hopefully nothing too strenuous!!

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I wouldn't be surprised if you've killed the receiver if you've wired it direct.

You'll need to use solenoids to use the wireless controller with that winch; the solenoids would replace the switches in the hand controller.

The present setup has the high current load of the winch switched directly by the switches in the hand held control. This is reasonably unconventional when it comes to 12v vehicle winches.

The wireless controller is not designed to switch high current loads. It is designed to control the solenoids/relays commonly used with 12v winches. By wiring it direct you may well have drawn too much current through the wireless receiver and damaged it.

I would suggest you get hold of a solenoid pack/Albright and then start again.

What are you planning to use that winch for? Hopefully nothing too strenuous!!

no loading a miniture traction engine on and off of a trailer but it would be a great hand if i could have it wireless, thanks for info will be in touch if i still have problems
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A standard Albright solonoid pack for winch control will allow the supply cables to the winch to change polarity.

Basically, you have pos and neg supply to the solonoid pack and reversable polarity from the pack to the motor. The wireless box will connect to the solonoid pack following the instructions.

If you have used the wireless to supply current to the motor directly then I would guess it is not a dead wireless controller.

I have a similar type of winch for the back of my car for trailer loading and tree tushing. Mine is 3300lbs, which is about as much as the car can take before it lifts off the ground or stretches the body work! I have a wired remote operating the solonoid pack mainly due to me never being that far from the winch and also I can't loose the wired remote and it is fixable on site if it goes wrong.

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i have got a solenoid now just wondering how you know which is in and out for the winch supply i have the same one in picture

as you look at it i have two black/neg wires on the left and two red/pos on the right and of the 3 pins at the front im guessing middle one neg and other 2 in and out but does any one know which way round please


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Depends which way you have wired the motor side of things :)

Honestly, connect it up, if it goes the wrong way then just switch the two outer wires and robert's ya mum's bro :)

will do but i just wat to check that i am going in the right direction (no pun intended) with the 3 front pins that they are the in and out connections i will admit im not a electrial guy and know if you get it wrong things go pop game over the motor is wired red and black at the back of solenoid if this helps

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