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Winch Motor Geometry


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Can any of you fine folk put your hands on a Bowmotor or Warn XP motor please?smile.gif

I have a little Christmas project on the go wink.gif and I am keen to know some dimensions:

1. How far does the drive shaft project from the face of the case?

2. What are the major and minor diameters of the splines?

3. How many splines are there (I believe it is 20?)

4. What length of the shaft is splined?

5. Are the splines straight cut or involute?

6. What is the external diameter and width of the shaft support bearing?

Thanks very much!

Oh, and some pics would be great too...!

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I've only just seen this Bish and am off out in a few... If no-one has obliged by tomorrow morning then I'll happily take a measuring stick to the garage and wave it around my spare XP for you...

Can you just confirm the term 'involute'??? (The oppsite, of course being 'extrolute'.... :P ) I am guessing that it means angular sides with a flat bottom... but am more than probably wrong...

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I have a bowmotor 1 sat here on my desk!

1: 50mm

2: 16.45mm & 14.3

3: 20

4: 40mm before it tapers in where it goes inside the casing

5: splines are straight but widen as they go down nearer to the shaft

6: external diameter 40mm, inside diameter 16.9mm, depth 12mm

Hope this helps


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1. How far does the drive shaft project from the face of the case?


2. What are the major and minor diameters of the splines?

16.5mm and 15mm respectively (my calipers aren't the thinnest so they may be a little deeper...)

Shaft diameter (unsplined) is 17mm

3. How many splines are there (I believe it is 20?)


4. What length of the shaft is splined?


5. Are the splines straight cut or involute?

see comment above...!!

6. What is the external diameter and width of the shaft support bearing?

35.14mm and 11mm respectively (internal diameter 15.33mm)

Couple of simple piccies to follow when I get indoors...



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