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Challenge South West

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We only managed a temporary repair - the stub axle was damaged so we put in new bearings and thumped the hub back on just to get home.

Stripped it down last night so am preparing the shoppping list as we speak :( .

Don't really want to spend any more money this month on 4x4 stuff so I thought I'd get my fix by offering to biatch!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bish - you going? found a seat yet? what tim upto, am sure he could be persuaded if not alredy pre booked on something else.

Sorry guys, Sun/Mon, is the last chance I have to sort the boat ready for 10 days racing, Channel isles/ northern France, at the end of the month !! :)

maybe the next one !!

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Tony is Mike coming along? def a SIMEX weekend i feel, glad theres not much water there.

Charles if you do end up with no lift its quite a small site to walk around etc...... quite steep in places though!

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What a top day, Thank you Tony for the passenger seat (well into the site and out at the end!). sorry about the roof, rear number plate light and front wing and door lock and for picking the route with the side slope!

Good to see Nige and Charles there who did bloody well! Must be Bishes codriving......

an excellent event if if Tony and I managed to spend about 3hrs without seeing any other competitors (it was a small sight)

0900-1500 gave us 7 punches, with a further 8 in the last 25mins before the end at 1530!

A lot learned by all i feel! (like you should know when to go another way!)

Excellent day, will certainly sleep well tonight.

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Top day, side slopes shocking like trying to walk on ice !

Just remember James/Tony don't try to follow a SUZUKI!!!! :D

Only joking it was mightie tight along there, only the two of us followed that route and got the hardest punch's of the day in my opinion.

Looks like a quiet june unless you know of anything else ?

Cheers Russ

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they certainly have their advantages, but then each to their own!! As you said you could always makes things hard for yourself and get a 90 (or 110) that would slow you down a tad!

You guys did bloody well on that route, hinsdight on timings for us meant it was a bad option - although good experience.

Ref Jun, no i have nothing planned and havent heard of much happening our way. Let me know if you come across anything.

For the mtg on Wed (i cant go) however how my suggestion would be a points scoring for the punches such that the more people that get the punch the less it is worth. Harder to get the immediate results ont he day and you need a laptop but makes it worthwhile spending a bit longer on some of the harder punches etc. If you rekcon there is any value in it maybe you could push that one fwd?

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Some photos courtesy of Exmoor Cop;

And it looks soo easy from them as well......




you can even see the winners in one of them hey Russ! and no hes not pulling us up the hill!

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