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foxham 4x4

nick w

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having visited foxham 4x4 again today we found it was under new managment having spoken to the new manageress we paid our £5 to renew our membership and £20 pay and play fee all good and much improved site too marshells which were very good before are now better and its all together much better site having had 5 very happy hours we went to the washing station to clean lights,mirrors and wheels so as not to cover the road with lots of mud and the safety aspect of not having un ballenced wheels and as we had to go on the mway home we needed to see our mirrors we were then told we had to pay £2 to have this done by a very pleasent man but that aint the point we already paid £20 which concidering how many were there today i think the owners would of turned a tidy profit so why a further £2 surley they are oblidged to provide a means of washing for free what do you think sorry new managment but we do this hobby cos its relitivly cheep and although £2 aint exactly a kings ransom coupled with the play fees and burgers it all adds up :blink:

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I havent been to the site for a few years now (not had time) but was speaking to one of the new owners last week. Jan told me that her and Terry are looking to develop the site and make it more interesting for all and are looking for input so it might be worth e-mailing your point to her.

For what its worth, I think it does sound unfair to be levied a further charge for the washer. After all, I dont know of anywhere else that charges for the use of.


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The site will have an obligation to keep the road clean, so they are not doing you a favour by cleaning your truck. If people don't pay and the road gets covered in mud there will soon be complaints...they should keep that in mind.

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We had a similar issue when ShireLRC used to use Bunny Lane. To keep the land owner happy we ended up having to get a road sweeper in for every event, as well as provide a jet wash. This added to the site rental fees considerably and so we had to increas the entry fee to cover that additional cost.

There are 2 issues here:

First is that the land owner could ultimately be held resposible for any accident/injury/death on the public highway if mud on the road from the site was a contributing factor. The land owner therefore needs to demonstrate that they are taking necessary precautions to avoid such an incident. By forcing us to rent the road sweeper and jetwash vehicles before they left the site, we were able to minimise the risks of an accident occuring.

Second is that you are resposible for the condition of your vehicle when its on the highway. Lights, wheels and number plates all covered in mud give the rozzers plenty of reason to give you a tug. And if after some nasty mud related incident on the road it could be proven that the organisers of the event had taken all necessary precautions to prevent mud getting on the road, then that liability could be passed onto the those that couldn't be arsed to queue/pay up to use the facilities provided.

Its a difficult situation, but the event organisers will want to do everything in their power to reduce the risks of an incident. I have no idea what the operating costs are for Foxham, but when you consider the costs of buying the equipment, water, repairs when some neandathol decides to break it, and possibly some small cash incentive to the person that has to stand there getting soaked all day, £2 really isn't that bad a deal.

Dan :)

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Out of curiosity, would you have paid £22 for a days access to a site, with a free wash off at the end?

Most places seem to charge more than that these days. Slindon was £25 last summer, gone up to £30 this year, and no wash off either, just a long wet semi-hard track with big puddles before you hit the road.

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Out of curiosity, would you have paid £22 for a days access to a site, with a free wash off at the end?

thats a difficult one but to be honest i probably would have although i think £20 is plenty enough

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