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Always wear a seatbelt.

Les Henson

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Just been sent this link. Not L/R, but it's not the vehicle that's important.



I've read the accompanying text... driver was a common thief.....passing a stolen cheque(sp??)

Fled the scene of the crime.....

Job done....

Oh and as for the driver who 'clipped' him....... nice one!!!!

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Two people have been killed here recently through not wearing seat belts. The last one, a guy I was at school with, was thrown out through the sunroof of his vehicle. Nasty business.

It is a bit like the picture posted on the other thread of a grinder disc sticking out of a face visor. It focuses the mind.

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Two people have been killed here recently through not wearing seat belts. The last one, a guy I was at school with, was thrown out through the sunroof of his vehicle. Nasty business.

It is a bit like the picture posted on the other thread of a grinder disc sticking out of a face visor. It focuses the mind.

My father was killed in a RTA last May thorough no fault of his own just wrong place at the wrong time (the Drive of the lorry was powerless to prevent what happened as it was a catastrophic air suspension failer on a well maintained truck)


while I was still at school may years ago

When I was fifteen my dad's lorry had a Rover 827 vitesse land on the cab after the driver lost control at 140+ mph. As the the car was kart wheeling through the air before landing on my dads lorry the rear seat passenger was ejected through the back window of the car and snapped a lamp post as his body hit it (he was killed instantly). The other passenger was also killed and only the driver survived. My dad escaped with a crushed hand and knee.

The car broke into three as it impacted the three day old lorries cab.

Joy riders in daddies car none wearing seat belts.

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I use to own and run a vehicle recovery company, and some recoveries stick in your mind.

The one that made me belt up was seeing a 6yr old come out of the rear seat and was impaled on the gear lever in a head on crash.

Another was Picking up a smashed car with Hiab, and hearing a rattle from underneath I kept lifting thinking it was a bit falling off the car, when high enough to see under it was a bike and a Lady attached to it.

Another was winching a car from ditch 2am, and a farmer came out from his house and set a dog on to me as the dog run across the road it hit the winch cable and that was it no more dog.

The worst one was picking up a motor Bike that had hit a bus head on, the person riding the bike was killed and the head and crash helmet were found in a ditch a few yards up the road.

I could go on but won’t, people use to say do you enjoy you job, oh yes getting up at all hours to deal with the above type of recovery what fun (not)

I did have some good one’s. This bloke came out from a golf club at midnight and forgot to turn right and drove into a ditch, he called me and told me what had happened and I went out in my S3 Land Rover with winch and lift on back. Pulled him out of ditch and gave him £75-00 bill he swore and said he was not paying so I pushed him back into the ditch and called the police who came along arrested him for Drink Driving and asked me to take the Merc to my compound. His bill was going up by the hour :lol: .


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