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Confessions of a Petrol Head


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Well, it has finally happened.

Economics have finally forced me into converting the Rangie to Diesel. We have downsized our fleet and the Rangie is to become a daily driver. At 14mpg it is not viable.

So I found (well actually our Beardy Armchair driver found - thanks Dave! :i-m_so_happy: ) this:


200TDi automatic with 158k on the clock. Category C write off due to a rear end shunt which was very minor but knackered the rear cross member due to the tow ball getting pushed in.

Last Saturday morning at 6 am Matt Neale and I headed off to Matlock (from Weston :blink: ) with trailer. Saw the car, fired her up, she passed Mr Neale's inspection, a deal was struck and we loaded her up:


Just after this shot we discovered the sidesteps were too wide to fit on the trailer. By now it is mid day and blu99y hot. Thank god Mr Neale had his usual selection of tools in the back of the 110 :lol::blink: , inclding a rattle gun so off came the side steps and we hit the road.

One long and uneventful journey later (apart from a break for all day brunch in the services (where people were watching the football...?) ) and a quick stop to check the trailer we arived back in Weston at 6 30 pm. I've never been so tired from sitting still!!

So now I have the donor for my engine conversion. The rest of it is up for grabs - see HERE

A huge thank you to Matt for doing the driving - a mamouth task, especially coming back with 3 tonnes on the back. Also to R for the trailer loan.

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A huge thank you to Matt for doing the driving - a mamouth task, especially coming back with 3 tonnes on the back. Also to R for the trailer loan.

No problem Bish. :rolleyes:

Just to add...

We averaged 25.2mpg over the 400 mile trip - that's in a 200tdi 110 with roll cage, winch etc.. :D


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Ah ha, another convert to good 'ol diesel, it's the way to go I reckon, well I'm biased as I'm fitting a 200 Tdi to mine :) ................. but I have kept the V8 so far and will be dreaming of a suitable 'home' for it ;) ....mmm another project...... :ph34r:

Good luck with the work!!


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