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Major league oil leak from transfer box


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Mine decided to start pouring oil from the joint between the gear box/transfer box

so today reluctantly I removed said transfer box to replace the seal.

on removal the seal appears to be in fine order, so I thought I'd check the breather, low and behold it was well and truly blocked by either flying mud or a Bstid insect making the tube its nest site

the end was well plugged with soil.

So a blast with the air line saw that cleared out.

Now just waiting on some new seals/gaskets so I can put it all back together tomorrow.

moral of the story check the obvious before pulling a transfer box off your car :)

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I thought mine was the input shaft seal, but after replacement, oil continued to pi$$ out.

You may be lucky, however, I was victim of a more common failure of the ‘O’ ring seal on the intermediate shaft. :angry: If the transfer box has covered a high(ish) mileage the case can also wear in the vicinity of the ‘O’ ring. As the box bearings were decidedly showing their age and I wanted to change ratio, I opted for a replacement box from Dave Ashcroft. ………. IIRC beardy armchair had the same problem……….

Part 25 in the drawing below.


This post is brought to you by the gloom, doom, & despondency depasrtment. :D



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