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What do you guys use for paint?

Jeff Young

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Last time I painted a car (well, a Formula Ford anyway), Imron was all the rage. But that was 20 years ago, and in California where they're rather fussy about volatility.

What are you guys using these days? (Only the exterior was painted, and I want to put it back to the original -- so I'll need a pretty close match to the dark green -- I think they call it Bronze Green?)



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I recently used cellulose paint for a kit car, the finish was really good (looks like a good factory finish!) Took lots of rubbing down though between layers.

A lot of people use 2pac paint, it is being phased out by some people as its quite harmful apparently, but for a one off use a mask and I'm sure it'd be fine. Its supposed to be a better finish than cellulose.

Both of these are spray on, which isn't that hard to do, just take your time and many light layers are better than getting runs. A good polish after also helps. I have some photo's of the car before the final coat of laquer and polish if you want.

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I get my paint from 'The paintman' google him, nice guy and good prices can phone and ask lots of silly questions! I got a 2nd hand air comp so spraying my latest project And going mad on etch primer what great stuff :)

I like matt with 30% gloss gives a slight shine but does help keep the rain n muck out.



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Yeah, I've done some cellulose work before: it's nice and easy, but it makes the whole house stink. Stuntman got a much better finish than I would have expected from a roller, but there is still a bit of orange peel, and I expect I'd have issues with brush strokes if I tried to go the brush route.

So that probably means spraying, although I might try out one of the turbine sprayers to cut down on the stink/overspray. I'll probably use a synthetic enamel (such as Paddocks or Paintmans).


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tin of NATO green and a 6" brush....

Hey Jon,

Didn't see your post earlier. Did it really completely flow out, or can you see brush-strokes in it? And were you a beginner (brush-painting-wise), or someone with a lot of experience with it?



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I've been slowly painting my 88" with a 2" brush and Bronze Green coach enamel. The finish isn't great, but I'm not too bothered as the car isn't concourse anyway.

I've been looking into a HVLP sprayer for when it comes to painting up my 110, don't know how it will come out, but I just can't stump up several thousand £s for a pro paint job.

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