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Suggested new Moderators

Les Henson

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Nige and Mark C AKA Mark AKA Busshed both get my vote now lets get on with the appointing.

Chris W perfect for getting out there.

You seem very keen to absolve yourself of responsibility here Tony. Is there something I should know about? It is not too late for me to back out you know, I have not been anointed yet!


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You've forgotten that it's also fully airconditioned, comes with running water(cold only), Allthough jez being a snob had to go for the optional extra concrete base :)

Its also got one of those sexercisey fold back roofs.

OK, the point I was trying to make about professional thing was mainly to stop the forum looking too intimidating. I may be wrong about this, though. I think really it was just annother point to think about as we've got soooo many people who'd do this job very well.

Nige, I'm very sorry to hear about your father. There are lots of us thinking about you at the moment.

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Speak for yourself!!!! some of us arent ugly... just old!

and why hasnt my name been mentioned? :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

I've got a couple of nominations, but not for any particular forum. In no particular order, Mark90 because he works in IT and can obviously spare the time online to keep an eye on the forum! ;) Turbocharger because he's a student, and therefore has nothing better to do! :P and Hillbilly Raider, so she can keep all the other mods in check! :lol:

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you are a brave man Dale! i can feel the whole forum running to find something big and pointy to hit you with for that suggestion!!

But thanks anyway. ;)

As others have said, the qualities required for a good mod, aren't neccessarily technical skills in the subject area. The biggest committment is time to wade through all the posts in the forum. Which I why I made the 3 nominations I did. If people want to hit me with something big and pointy, then so be it! :blink:

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As others have said, the qualities required for a good mod, aren't neccessarily technical skills in the subject area. The biggest committment is time to wade through all the posts in the forum. Which I why I made the 3 nominations I did. If people want to hit me with something big and pointy, then so be it! :blink:


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It would appear that Myself and Nigel (Hybrid from Hell) are now the mods on the Tools and Fab Forum, and Chris (GBMUD) is a mod on the Getting Out There forum. B)

Thanks for everyones input, it is appreciated. There is a vacancy in the Military forum if anyone has any suggestions please could you add them to the post in that forum... :)



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