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110 tub mounts

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Hi guys,

So, I have just got round to trying to mount the tub after sanding it all down etc. As this is an adopted project there are a few bits and pieces I have been trying to identify. Having looked at the microfiche for the 110 and dug around on the interweb for a bit it seems that I have 110 CSW mounts, not 110 pick up mounts. Could be the reason why I can't for the life of me get the tub to line up properly....

Anyway, dug around and I'm fairly sure I need NRC7053 brackets, not what I assume are NRC5665 brackets. Can someone please confirm for me if my assumptions are correct and that I do indeed need to get 4xNRC7053?

Also just to check, the microfiche also says there are different mounts again for a chassis cab. Can anyone explain what a chassis cab is? Pretty sure I have a pick up but just to be on the safe side... (excuse my ignorance).

I currently have four of the brackets shown which I assume are the NRC5665 - can anyone confirm that these are indeed the CSW mounts?

Thanks in advance,





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Also on a side note, Can anyone help me regarding the rear brackets for mounting the tub. I have a 200tdi tub and a td5 chassis.

I would assume that the brackets for mounting the tub on the back of a 110 would be the same as those for a 90, certainly the tub appears to have the same holes to accept similar brackets. However the chassis holes do not seem to line up on the td5 chassis.

Does anyone know what brackets should be used for mounting a rear tub on a 110 pick up (200tdi tub to td5 chassis).

I have attached pics of the back, hopefully these are visible enough to see the disparity in mount points.

Thanks in advance,




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Awesome responses thanks guys.

Western, do you happen to know which of the body mounting brackets I need, you say 2 inner and 4 outer, where do they all go. I thought there was only 4 in total. Sorry to be so dense but first project and also my first ever 110. Only had 90's before.



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  • 1 year later...

Have you ordered them? I have just converted mine to a 5 door from a 3 door, and have 4 of those brackets spare ( i assume they are the same as the HT ones) If you want me to post them? We could have swapped, bloody typical after ordering a new set lol!


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