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disco 1


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Hi all, I`m new to this forum and have an early 94 disco 1. The prob I have is I have a 2" lift on the disco which was on when I bought it 3 years ago.

Apart from the usual cost of MOTS and the like its been a great tool. Coming back from Lincoln the other day on the A1, I hit what looked like a half house brick

at about 60mph. This resulted in only what I can describe as the worst tank slapper that nearly ended up with my demise. It didn`t seem to be much of a jolt from the offending object but all the same I had to pull up on the hard shoulder for a minute or two before I discided to risk continuing the rest of the journey home.

The point is there didn`t seem to bee anything wrong, but I took the journey home the scenic route to be more safe than sorry, and after further investigation could`n`t find what could Have caused the severe wobble.

As anyone any ideas of whats wrong or had any similar problems

P.S. The suspension seems to be Britpart super-gas shocks and yellow springs.

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I would imagine simply hitting the brick at that speed is enough?! No doubt you slowed down immediately, but still 60mph to hit something hard and I would also assume a bit of a swerve would be enough.

The lift wouldn't have helped, but I don't think it alone would be the cause.

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Did you get a wobble through the steering wheel which could only be bought under control by slowing down? This could be bump steer which can be made worse by a lift as the castor on the front axle puts the steering geometry out of wack. This and worn swivel bearings/preload can possibly cause what you are describing.

Check your preload on the swivels and that might fix it. If not you may have to fit castor corrected radius arms too.

Or just avoid bricks in the road!

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