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3.9 Auto Gearbox - Creeping on Tickover


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Hello all,

As it looks like we're going to have to replace our daily car and also sell my RRC 2-Door, I went to look at a local Disco 3.9 auto this morning.

She was tidy enough, 1998 with about 100k miles on her with no discernable rot. Engine was sweet as a nut, just needed a good service.

The only thing that set my spidey sense tingling was that as soon as she was in drive (D, 1, 2, 3 or R) you had to hold the brake pedal down or she was moving forward at a fair lick. Se wasn't just creeping an inch or two, must have been the best part of 10mph.

Now, my knowledge of autos isn't exactly expansive, but all the ones I've driven previously haven't needed holding on the brake.

What's the deal with torque converters? Could it just be a low fluid issue causing it to take up so early or something more serious?


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If u have a V8 then the book says between 665 and 735, mine will idle at around 700rpm in drive and that will propel me at 5mph when I release the brake.

Great info, thanks.

Still trying to do a deal with the vendor, who keeps on about 'needing to sell' yet wont drop under a grand and a half...


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