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Fuel Filler

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Hi Guys,

I know the answer will be fit a TD5 Rear tub, however I have a 200Tdi 90 Rear tub thats in great condition with the rear bulkhead removed etc, getting a TD5 tub will be a logistical nighmare for me, so thats not an option :ph34r:

So whats the best way to get a fuel filler to the TD5 reasr tank I have fitted



I dont know if I can get the ogiginal filler panel to fit in the body, plus the internal cover for where it cuts through the tub :unsure: or if anyone make a generic part ^_^

or if just to fit a aerospace filler and angle spout (if anyone makes one ?) to the body, anybody got any links to supplies of such things

Any suggestion....

Ta !


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I really don't think it would be that difficult to make one, the basic TD5 filler inlet is a inverted box fixed with flanges behind the body (I have done a quick sketch. A large hole saw and a jig saw you should be able to cut the entry hole the edges would then just need dressing over as per the original hole.

The filler pipe and cap are available as new parts, and you could even use one of those filler covers as your template.




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Les, I'd find a scrap TD5 tub and cut the rear filler from it. Leave a flange around of say, 10mm and rivet or sikaflex it to your bodyside. You can then use standard filler parts. With care and attention to detail it'll look entirely appropriate.



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I had the exact same issue, though I've got a chassis with the TD5 tank mounts on it, from Richards Chassis

I got this filler (think you need to buy the cap separately)


Then this (I think this wsa the one I got), which fits perfectly onto that filler and the tank.


The onyl issue is the filler has a rather small breather hose compared to the TD5 tank's one, but I've yet to see how much of a problem this will be, bearing in mind there's another breather the other side of the tank

Finished product (did it last weekend):



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