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A good reason not to get lost....

Darren Roberts

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Not wishing to defer any blame from the farmer, who it appears acted unreasonably, and only having the details as reported by the BBC, it would appear that the bikes, having lost their way, decided to ride right across a field rather than simply back-tracking on the track they had followed to a point that they knew was a ROW and trying again.

As I read the report, when confronted by the farmer the bikers then rode away from him rather than engaging with him as they probably should have done. If there was any suggestion that the impact with the rider/s was intentional then I suspect that the farmer would be looking at a murder charge, not 'just' manslaughter. Very sad for all concerned.

In my experience most farmers or land owners/managers are happy to help set us on the right track (as long as the lost party has behaved reasonably and is not obviously taking the mickey), and where they are looking for a confrontation then stopping, getting out (or removing helmet, face to face communication is very important) and offering a cheery greeting and a smile usually puts people looking for confrontation on the back foot and it is easier to get them on side.


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FYI. In Australia.

90% of stations (farms but on a massive scale and at least two I've been in are larger than England, Wales & Scotland combined) and are leased from the various states or territories and as such are unable to have a "closed land" policy, the few that are freehold can do with their land as they wish but must still allow free and open passage through their property if there is no other road available.

Camping as such is therefore permitted within 10 meters either side of any through road, providing that the campers do not stay more than 28 days in any one location.

Fishing by anyone in any river is permitted, the rivers are owned by the state and NSW is the only state that requires a fishing licence for fresh water fishing. Farmers cannot enclose a rtiver but it is up to the angler to assertain that easy and safe access is available, that is that the farmer doesnt have his prize bull in the paddock, if it is then find another spot.

Shooting, licenced "Conservation Hunters" are able to hunt in any state forest and limited state parkland provided prior permission is obtained, hunting on private land, freehold or leased is at the owners discretion.

Finally, the "BirdsvilleTrack" is over 600 Kilometers long and passes through over 15 stations or home steads, 5 of which are still operating, the other 10 have since gone to ruin, one of the current station owners even provides travelers with a free thermal spa bath. None of which even bother to put cattle grids accross the track or even fence their lands in.

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Got to admit a certain sympathy for the farmer, there is a huge frustration in large amounts of damage done to land and fences by people and I include 4x4's as well as bikes.

Getting genuinely lost is one thing and may have been the case in this instance, but in many cases people aren't lost they just want to play, and know full well what they do is illegal. Having to pay out or spend time to repair damge done and be unable to do anything about it will result in a lot of anger, especially when it appears deliberate, as said above if people are genuinely lost then stopping and asking direction back to the nearest way off the land or back tracking the way they came would have been more sensible.

I have no knowledge of the area involved so can't comment on the now easy it is to see if the tracks involved were legal or how easy they are to follow without getting lost.

In most cases the police have very little interest and even if they do don't have the man power to do much about it which makes it even more frustrating.

None of that would justify a deliberate act to endanger people trespassing and causing damage although in this case if the early post is correct then this has been a tragic accident with blame on both sides.

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